Prośba : ) Sprawdzenie zadania.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam ; )
Mam taką małą prośbę, jeśli ktoś mógłby mi sprawdzić zadanie byłabym bardzo wdzięczna. Mialam tu opisać swojego sąsiada, w pierwszym punkcie ogólne wiadomości, drugim co w niej lubię, w trzecim czego nie lubię a w ostatnim powody.

*Justyna is 19. She lives three floor higher than me. Sll and she has a long, blond hair. Hustyna has got a one brother, who is younger than her.
*She is very friendly and nice. She makes me happy and she is funny. When i am sad i talk with her and I feel better. She helps me when I need it, and I like it about her.
*Justyna has a few defects, like everybody by the way ;). She speaks all the time and she always laughting. Sometimes it makes me nervous.
*I think Justyna isvery nic eperson and she is the best neighbour on the world.

Mam nadzieję, że nie narobiłam dużo błędów ; ) i jakby ktos miał jeszcze jakieś sugestestję co mogę dopisać etc. to naprawdę będe niezmiernie wdzięczna ; ))
Tam w drugim zdaniu miało byś: She is tall and she has a long, blond hair.
>>She lives three floor higher than me.
She lives three floorS (l. mnoga) above me.

Sll and she has
>a long, blond hair.

bez "a" - włosy są niepoliczalne, chyba że mowa o pojedynczych włoskach.

Hustyna has got a one brother, who is younger than

Jak już jest "one", to nie potrzeba "a".

...has got one brother who is younger than she is.
bez przecinka przed "who".

>*Justyna has a few defects, like everybody by the way ;)

flaws zamiast defects
albo character defects/flaws

She speaks
>all the time and she always laughting. Sometimes it makes me nervous.
She TALKS.....laughing. Sometimes THAT makes me nervous.

>*I think Justyna isvery nic eperson and she is the best neighbour on
>the world. A very nice person.....IN the world.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie