List bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Radosław Mocny.
I am 18 years old. I learn at technical school of the name hero Monte Cassino in Września.
I have two sister, older has husband and daughter, younger learnst at secondary school.
My father works in the car garage.
I interested in the Computer science, that has why I walk to the school about this direction.
I love music. My favourite singer is DODA :-) I like watching films. My facourite actor is Bruce Willis which played in the film "Szklana pułapka"
I'd like to which they interest and about films which they interest.
Write to me ! greet !

Jestem początkującym proszę o wyrozumiałość !!!
>My name is Radosław Mocny.
>I'm 18 years old. I attend to technical school in Września, which was named after the Monte Cassino heroes.
I have two sisters. The older one has a husband and a daughter, the younger still attends to secondary school.
>My father works in the garage. I'm interested in Computer science, that is why I chose techical school. I love music. My favourite singer is DODA :-) I also like watching films. My favourite actor is Bruce Willis. He played in the movie "Szklana pułapka" I'd like to meet people, who share my interests and with whom I can talk about films they like.

I'm looking forward to hear from you

Best wishes,
I 'attend to' ( a student of) technical school in Września..
The older one has a husband and a daughter, the younger still attends 'to' (niepotr) secondary school.
My father works in 'the' A garage. I'm interested in Computer science,
that is why I chose THIS techNical school.
He played in the movie '"Szklana pułapka"' (a moze po ang-???)
...I'm looking forward to hear from you....To jest za formalne..moze Please write soon, Regards.


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