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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Most of my friends think that happiness only helps others. They
are happy when other people are happy. They are satisfied to give
others happiness. Of course, they are also happy when people give
them happiness. I think they are really noble.

Personally, I prefer have a happiness than give it. For example I like
being happy when I spend time with my family or friends. They really
make me happy. Of course money create me the happiness, too. Although I
like being happy, I also help others.

I think the majority of people choose other way of happiness than
helping people. They prefer family, friends or money. Even food and the
weather make them happy.

People are different. Of course most of us think that there is a lot of
way of a happiness but there are some people, whose the happiness are
only helping others.

Everyone want to be happy but few people want to give a happiness.
I think that it take a courage. We should give the happiness, for
example helping others. Thanks to it, more people will be happy.
Troche to wyszlo jak maslo maslane...

Most of my friends think that happiness 'only helps others' (tylko pomaga innym?...miales na mysli jest pomaganie innym.. IS giving help/happiness to others)
They are satisfied BY 'to' (niepotr) 'give' GIVING 'others happiness' (inaczej...happiness to others)
Personally, I prefer TO have 'a' (niepotr) happiness RATHER than TO give it. For example I 'like being' (tutaj moze ..AM) happy when I spend time with my family or friends.
Of course money createS 'me the happiness' (inaczej...happiness for me), too.
I think THAT the majority of people choose other wayS of happiness than
OF helping people.

Of course most of us think that there is a lot of wayS of 'a' (niepotr) happiness, (przecinek przed 'but') but there are some people, FOR 'whose' WHOM 'the' (niepotr) happiness 'are' IS only helping others.

Everyone wantS to be happy, but few people want to give 'a' (niepotr) OUT happiness.
I think that it takeS 'a' (niepotr) courage. We should give OUT 'the' (niepotr) happiness, for example BY helping others. 'Thanks to it' (tutaj zrobilabym Because of this, more people would be happy.
Bardzo jestem wdzięczny za tą korekte;) wiem ze to mało maslene...


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