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Temat: Przykład ekcentryka
In my opinion member of Polish parliament Janusz Palikot is a good example of an eccentric. When Palikot became a MOP in 2005, he immediately started to show his original personality, not appreciating the norms of a MOP’s behaviour. As an eccentric, Palikot didn’t hesitate to make real his own ideas (although they were very controversial) in order to call society’s attention to important problems – e.g. he wore T-shirt with the inscription “I am a gay” because he wanted to express himself against discrimination of gays in Poland.
Palikot often shows that he’s independent and nobody (even the authorities of his party) affects his behavior – in July 2007 he called on TV president Kaczyński “oaf”, although his principals from PO forbid him to express his controversial opinions in public. Palikot disregards also different norms – e.g. in fashion. On one of his press conferences he wore… a pink suit. In my opinion all these Palikot’s activities attest that he doesn’t try to be odd – he simply is odd and eccentric.