sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, miałam napisać zdania z podanymi idiomami (10 ich było), tak żeby można było udowodnić, że się je rozumie. Mam wątpliwości co do poprawności gramatycznej tych wymyślonych przeze mnie zdań, prosze o sprawdzenie.

1.keep your head(to be calm despite danger of difficulty)

Mark had a road accident. Despite this unfortunately event, he kept his head and tried to called emergency road service.

2.hold a gun to someone's head (to use threats to get what you want)

Daniel hold a gun to Bridget's head. He know her very important mystery and he would like to get her property in lieu od his silence.

3.soft in the head(stupid or crazy)

I think that Brad is soft in the head, because he imitated a dog. He barked and run around his house all day.

4.see eye to eye (to agree with someone)

My husband and I see eye to eye on most things for example we both don't like our government and frosty winter.

5.not bat an eye (to not show any reaction)

Clark didn't bat an eye when Sue told him that she was a murderess. We was calm.

6. A red eye(a flight that leaves late at night and arrives early the next morning)

They took the red eye from Berlin to Sydney. They got into the airplane late at night and landed at six a.m. in Sydney.

7. six feet under (dead and buried)

Ms. Sally is eighty years old now. Her grandson is waiting until she will be six feet under, because the he will inherit her house.

8. vote with your feet (to show that you do not support something, especially an organization or a product, by not using or not buing it any more)

Rigde is voting with his feet because his new washing-machine is spoiled and he won't buing this product any more.

9. find your feet (to become familiar with a new place or situation)

Steve is the new pupil and he need time to make friends with other children and to acclimatize in this school.

10. the patter of tiny feet (something that you say which means that someone is going to have a baby)

Susan is pregnant and soon we will hear the patter of tiny feet in her house.

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