sprawdzenie pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Think about a member of your family (who is alive), for example a parent, uncle,aunt or grandparent. Prepare to answer the question below about their life.
The past
Where / born?
where / go to school?
What / do after (he/she) left school ?
When / start work?
When / get married?

The present
Where / live now?
How long / live there?
Is he/she married?
How long / be married?
Is he/she retired?
How long has he / she retired?
How many children / have?

He was born in Warszawa in 1964.
He went to school in warszawa, and later studied medicine at the university of Białystok.
He was started work after studied.
He was to be married in 1988.

He live in Bydgoszcz.
He live in Bydgoszcz since 2000.
Yes, he married.
He's been married since 20 years.
No he isn't retired.
Yes, he have two children.

prosze o sprawdzenie błędów
>He was born in Warszawa in 1964. (POPRAWNE)
>He went to school in Warszawa, and later studied medicine at the
>university of Białystok. (POPRAWNE)
>He was started work after studied. HE STARTED WORK AFTER HE GRADUATED.
>He was to be married in 1988. HE GOT MARRIED IN 1988.
>He live in Bydgoszcz. HE LIVES IN BYDGOSZCZ. (3 os. l.poj. S.Pres. - wiec 's')!
>He live in Bydgoszcz since 2000.HE HAS LIVED (albo HAS BEEN LIVING) in BYDGOSZCZ SINCE 2000. (muisz uzyc czasu Pr. Perf. bo czynnosc/stan zaczal sie w przeszlosci i TRWA nadal!)
>Yes, he married. YES, HE IS MARRIED.
>He's been married since 20 years. (Tu Pr. Pref. czyli czas OK, ale chodzi o okres czasu, wiec uzyjemy 'FOR': HE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR 20 YEARS.
>No he isn't retired.
>Yes, he have two children. Pyt. szczegolowe w odpowiedzi na 'HOW MANY' czyli odpowiedz musi brzmiec: ' HE HAS TWO CHILDREN'.


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