Opinion Essay

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Oto mój opinion essay na temat "When people live far away from each other, their friendship dies. Do you agree?

Nowadays, may people claim that when people live far away from each other, their friendship dies. In my opinion, they are totally wrong and their opinion is not right. I believe that people can continiue their friendship desipte livng far away each other.
Firstly, people use computers or phones to be in touch with their friends.It is not very difficult and expensive so everybody can do it. When we are in touch with friends, we will save our friendship.
Moreover, nowadays the majority of people have a car. As a result they visit their friends very often despite the fact that they live far away each other. It is very useful in keeping their friendships strong. Therefore, their friendship does not die.
Last but not least, separation can make our friendship stronger. People who live in other cities or countries remember about their friends and miss them. Separation permit us to value our friends better and when we are together again, we know that our friendships are timeless.
On the other hand, these people may be very alone. In consequence they make new friends, forget about their old friends and finish their old friendship.
In conclusion, it is very difficult finish our friendship nowadays. Our friendships dies when we do not want continue it or we are too lazy to trying be in touch with friends. Sometimes, despite trying hard to save our friendship, it dies, but it happen very seldom.

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