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Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to apply for the possition of a care assistant in an elderly house which was advertised in the Internet page on local portal.
I graduated from Mikołaj Kopernik's school in Suwałki. Later I attended a school with geriatrics and rehabilitation specialization in Olsztyn.
I have completed the following courses: “Liverpool Care Pathway" and “Basic Health and Safety". The rest of my courses I include in CV. I was employed in an “Intensive Care Agency" for 5 years, unfortunately I must left that job. That was a similar work as this.
I am definitely right person for this job. I always smile and send good energy to people for next days. I make that their last years will be happier. In my opinion I'm responsible person and considerate towards to somebody. I think that I will be trusted worker.
I'm enclosing a copy of my CV.
Please contact me regarding any queries you may have.

Yours faithfully
Mandy Robinson


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