here you are, there you are

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jaka jest roznica pomiedzy there you are, a here you are
obydwa zdaje sie znacza prosze kiedy cos podajemy.
ja zawsze uzywam here you are.

i jeszcze mam drugie pytanie co oznacza wyrazenie there we go
here you are - proszę bardzo
there you go - proszę bardzo

there you are - a widzisz?, a nie mówiłem?

myślę, że to rozwiewa wątpliwośći :)
tak, dzieki.
ale szczerze mowiac to bede raczej nadal uzywal here you are, a nie there you are. bardziej mi jakos pasuje.
there you/they go again! - znów się zaczyna, aha, znów ta sama śpiewka

there we go - być może rozmówca przekombinował, słysząc najczęściej "they/you", powiedziałbym, że to błąd.
>there we go - być może rozmówca przekombinował, słysząc najczęściej "they/you", powiedziałbym, że to błąd.

Nie rozumiem merix. Co jest bledem, uzycie "we"? Nie, nie jest. Krociotka rozmowa:

SAMANIEGO: We'll be happy to. The main thing we need to do, and that's hampered Tom in the past, has been his balance. So we got to get him up here. OK, Plant that foot. OK, here we go. Up. Here we go. Got ya. OK.

Getting Tom up in the beginning is a little difficult because he has to get stretched out. We have to get the legs working like we want them to. Tom, let's get this back here. Now, I just want you to step forward a little bit, Tom. There you go, left foot, bring it up. There we go, good. I'll sneak around behind you a little bit here, Tom, to get you straightened out.

PHILLIPS: Tom, you're looking good.

SAMANIEGO: Yes, he's standing tall. OK, here we go. Bring your left leg around. There you go. It takes a little bit of time. We have to get his balance in there. OK. Now, here we go, Tom, sorry for turning my back on you. PHILLIPS: No, it's OK, and I know we've got cords there and stuff, too, I know they're helping you with that. Let's pay attention to those.

SAMANIEGO: Here you go, Tom, this might help you out.

PHILLIPS: Tom, obviously, you have to maintain your balance.

SAMANIEGO: And we just get him situated here. We get this leg that doesn't want to cooperate quite as much as we want it to now. Move it left, Tom. There we go,. OK, so now, move yourself to right. Good. Now, you got your balance? OK, now, here we go. I got this club. Now, from this point -- what we're going to do here, I'm going to step out of the picture.
W takim kontekście ok. Myślałem, że akserowi chodzi o użycie "we" w there we go again, gdyż w słownikach piszą "you/they". To tyle.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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