tak oględnie;) szkoda, ze nie podalas dodatkowo tlumaczenia na polski, byloby latwiej:
Dear Editor, (PRZECINEK)
I am writing in connection with the article about summer holidays in Poland. I have found this article very interesting because THE article deals with my homeland - Poland. I completely agree with you (lub: I share your opinion/ nigdy: "I agree with your opinion") that in Poland people could rest on fresh air (nie bardzo rozumiem co chcialas przekazac). I must say, that travelers (lepiej bedzie brzmiec visitors)have an opportunity TO live in harmony with nature. I could not agree with you about the price of leisure (masz na mysli the price of holidays?). In THE article you say that in Poland IT is very expensive but it is not! Travelers can find a really interesting offer AT a low price. I wonder what other readers think about this report and I hope you will publish more articles about this problem: "where can I spend my summer holidays?" I would be grateful if you could publish my letter, because people are learning that Poland is not way country (od because zupelnie niejasne dla obcokrajowcy;)).
Yours faithfully,
mimo poprawek nadal brzmi troche clumsy, ale naprawde nie jest zle. umieszczenie pod spodem polskiego tekstu byloby czasem pomocne:) mam nadzieje, ze troche pomoglam:)pozdrawiam!