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Every person is different and has his own characteristics, both advantages and disadventages. We should tolerate and turn a blind eye to other people's weaknesses. But it's not easy. Some people have features and behavioures, which irritate us and we try to avoid them. I also detest some things in people.

Firsty, I would like to talk about vulgarity. I think that being vurglar from time to time, for example when we are frustrated, isn't too bad and I can understand it. But when I hear people who use bad language in public places, I cebome nervous and I try to imply to them, that their behaviour is unsuitable. I think they are bad – manneres and rude. In our language there are a lot of words and synonyms which can describe our mood! Maybe if somebody don't know and don't use them, should read more books?

Another thing which I can't stand is driving a car, when my boyfriend sits next to me. In this case I feel like being on the exam. He reproaches me with my mistakes and explains why I did something wrong. I don't listen to his long, boring explainations,because I have to concentrete. So when he checks if I understand and ask questions, I don't answer.
I know that my skill of driving could be better and I should listen to experiencesd drivers' advices...But I would like to make a good impression in front of my boyfriend.

Next issue which I would like to talk over is walking with a dog without using a lead and muzzle. I am afraid of these animals, because when I was young I was bitten by a dog. It was small and the owners used to say: „He is so nice and friendly and he have never bitten anybody”. Dogs are only animals and we can't predict how they behave in different situations. I am really nervous and frigtened when some dog is walking next to me.
Every person is different and has his own characteristics, WHICH ARE both
advantages and 'disadventages' (ortog).
Some people have features and 'behavioures' (ortog), which irritate us and we try to avoid them.
I think that being vurglar from time to time, for example when we are frustrated, isn't too bad and I can understand 'it' THAT. But when I hear people who use bad language in public places, I 'cebome' BECOME nervous and I try to imply to them, that their behaviour is unsuitable. I think they are bad -
'manneres' MANNERED and rude.
Maybe if somebody 'don't' (pisz w calosci DOES NOT know and 'don't' DOES NOT use them, HE OR SHE should read more books.
In this case I feel like being 'on' IN AN 'the' (niepotr) exam.
I don't listen to his long, boring 'explainations' (ortog), because I have to
'concentrete' (ortog). So when he checks if I understand and askS questions, I
don't answer.
I know that my skill of driving could be better and I should listen to
'experiencesd' (ortog) drivers' 'advices' ADVICE (niepol)...
It was small and the owners used to say: "He is so nice and friendly and he 'have' HAD never bitten anybody".
bardzo dziękuję, zaraz będę opisywac 3 rzeczy które lubię i opisze chyba ludzi takich jak Ty, którzy bezinteresownie pomagają innym, kurcze naprawde duzy szacun!!!


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