Prośba o sprawdzenie zadania - przyszłość

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie krótkiego tekstu na temat przyszłości. W zadaniu chodzi o to żeby wszystkie zadania były w czasie przyszłym. Bardzo proszę o znalezienie (ewentualnie poprawienie) moich błędów w zadaniu.

By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decrease because scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars and built atomic power stations. However there will be no more rainforests as we will cut them all down and build there skyscrapers like in big city. Furthermore, people will live in cities under the sea like in the sci-fi films because normal cities will become too crowded and louded. In addition people will have lived longer and healthier because scientists will have found cures for many incurable diseases and everyone will have personal doctor. On the other hand we will have gone on holiday to other planets like Mars or Saturn since space travel will have improved and scientists will have invented space ships. Also we will have done more creative jobs in our houses although computers will have done the most boring jobs for us. However there will be more poor and starving people because there will be fewer jobs and number of people in the World will have increase so not all will have job. Furthermore crime will have increased as more poeple will be without work. In addition criminals will have lived in special building like prison which will have built on the other planets.

Jeszcze raz bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie zadania. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc.
By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decreaseD because...
However, there will 'be no more' (ja wole, not be any) rainforests as we will (have) cut them all down and build 'there skyscrapers' (zla kol slow - skyscrapers there) like in 'A' big city.
Furthermore, people will live in cities under the sea like in the
sci-fi films because normal cities will become too crowded and 'louded' (nie rozumiem tego slowa 'loud' 'louder'?) .
In addition people will 'have lived' (moze lepiej 'live') longer and healthier because scientists will have found cures for many incurable diseases and
everyone will have 'A' personal doctor. On the other hand we will 'have
gone' GO on holiday to other planets 'like' SUCH AS Mars or Saturn since space
travel will have improved and scientists will have invented spaceships. Also we will 'have done' DO more creative jobs in our houses although computers will 'have done' DO the most boring jobs for us. However there will be more poor and starving people because there will be fewer jobs and THE number of people in the World will have increaseD, so not all will have jobS. Furthermore crime will have increased as more 'poeple' (ortog) will be without work. In addition criminals will 'have lived' LIVE in special buildingS like prisonS which will 'have' BE built on the other planets.
Dzięki za pomoc ;)


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