Proszę o sprawdzenie 2 zadań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zad. 7
Complete each sentence, begining as shown, so that the meaing stays the same.
1. There was so much money uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed. (such)
"Such a lot of uncertainty money was there that the financial markets remained closed".
2. It's not common for there to be so much rain in March. (seldom)
"Seldom does it rain in March".
3. You won't be allowed in until your identity has been checked. (only)
"Only will you be allowed in until your identity has been checked".
4. Just after the play started there was a power failure. (hardly)
"Hardly after the play started, was there a power failure".
5. The Prime Minister has hardly ever made a speech as insept as this. (rarely)
"Rarely has the Prime Minister made a speech as insept as this".
6. We had only just arrived home when the police called. (scarcely)
"Scarcely had we arrived home when the police called".
7. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage. (on no)
"On no account can press photographers take photographs backstage".
8. The way so much money has been spent to so little purpose must be a record! (never before)
"Never before the way, has been so much money spent to so little purpose".
9. The judge was taken ill just after the trial proceeding began. (barely)
"Barely was the judge taken ill just after the trial proceeding began".

Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1. Were ..., everyone in it would have been killed.
Were I less careful, everyone in it would have been killed.
2. Had ... harder, I would probably have passed all my exams.
Had I worked harder, I would probably have passed all my exams.
3. Should ... neighbourhood, why don't you drop in?
Should you have neighbourhood, why don't you drop in?
4. Had ... immediately, your daughter would not be so ill.
Had I come immediately, your daughter would not be so ill.
5. Were ... you, I wouldn't turn you down flat!
Were I you, I wouldn't turn you down flat!
6. Should ..., just call room service and order a meal.
Should you be hungry, just call room service and order a meal.
7. Were ... job, we couldn't be sure that she would accept.
Were it a badly-paid job, we couldn't be sure that she would accept.
8. Had ... measures, this political crisis could have been avoided.
Had there been better measures, this political crisis could have been avoided.
9. Should ... lost, we would have heard from him by now.
Should we not be lost, we would have heard from him by now.
Ponawiam ;)


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie