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My grandad, Czesław Tabak, was born in Łapanów in 1935. He lived with his parents, three brothers and one sister in a small country cottage. During his childhood he was very crazy kid. He had a lot of ideas for one minute. When he grew up and left school he got a job in glassworks in Krosno. After that he had to moved to Krosno and started new adult life. Just a few months later he met his future wife- Teresa Ginalska. After short engagement and uproarious wedding they decided to built a house and started a family. Both of them were working in glassworks when the first child was born. And after a few years they had already three children: Mariola, Robert and Agnieszka. Now my grandad is 74 and he still live with my grandmother in Krosno.
During his childhood he was A very crazy kid. He had a lot of ideas 'for' IN
one minute.
After that 'he had to movE to Krosno and started' (nie, nie tak, albo ...he had to move to K and to start, albo he moved to K and started) new adult
After A short engagement and uproarious wedding they decided to builD a
house and started a family. Both of them were working in THE glassworks
when the first child was born.
Now my grandad is 74 and he still liveS (he-3os.l.poj) with my grandmother in Krosno.


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