prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie moich wypocin, oszczegam ze ni ejetem orłem z angielskiego.

According to the law, I am in full right to seek compensation for your remissness (w przypadku zaniedbania obowiązków)/dereliction of duty (jeżeli chodzi o pracę). Therefore, I conclude for a voluntary payment of ŁXX to my account within 28 days of the date of this letter. Otherwise, I will bring the case before a court which will expose you to additional expenses.
moze zamiast "According to the law" bylo by lepsze "legitimately"?
i suppose, that 28days from this date should not be too long term to pay advance 100. 000 $ on my bank account like a claim for damages.

i suppose, that 28days from this date should not be too long term to pay advance 100. 000 $ on my bank account as a claim for compensation.
suppose? w jakim znaczeniu bo znalazlem tylko przypuszczać, sądzić, zakładać.
chodzilo mi raczej o propozycje, oferte, wniosek.
According to the law, I am in full right to seek compensation for your remissness dereliction of duty (jeżeli chodzi o pracę).
Therefore, I conclude for a voluntary payment of ŁXX to my account within 28 days of the date of this letter.
Otherwise, I will bring the case before a court which will expose you to additional expenses.

remissness to to samo co dereliction of duty
before a court lepiej i will bring the case to court what expose you

ale mam watpliwosci co do expose

a w ogole to sie pogubilem w twoich postach , zbierz wszystko w jednym ,
bo sam juz nie wiem o co chodzi
Legitiamately, I am in full right to seek compensation for your remissness.
I suppose, that 28 days from this date should not be too long term to pay advance ŁXX on my bank account as a claim for compensation.
expose mialo robic za czasownik narazac.
wyslalem list do moda zeby usunal te tematy do ktorych linki mu wyslalem. pewnie ma wolne;)
wracajac do sedna, to znalazlem tylko czasownik expose.
run the risk ale to jest narazac sie na cos wiec nie wiem
nadal mam watpliwosci co do expose

jest niedziela czyli i mod napewno ma wolne

zbierz wszystko do kupy, jest mase czasu
list ze swoimi pretensjami wyslesz jutro
a dzis to sie pogubilem w twoich postach
jezeli chodzi o expose to sprawdzalem w kilku slownikach i wszedzie byl ten sam czasownik.

jezeli chodzi o list to od poczatku on brzmi tak:
I writing in response to your letter dated February 10, 2009 concering my compensation for lost ID card.
I am writing to inform you I am not ready to accept your proposal, because it will not be adequate to cover all my expenses.
Legitiamately, I am in full right to seek compensation for your remissness. Therefore, I conclude for a voluntary payment of ŁXX to my account within 28 days of the date of this letter. Otherwise, I will bring the case before a court which will expose you to additional expenses.
tutaj chce wstawic tekst: Dziwie sie, ze tak duza firma ma problem z polubownym i cichym zalatwieniem tej sprawy tylko naraza sie na zla prase.

ten topic jest aktualny,jezeli chodzi o pozostalem to wyslalem pw do moda o usuniecie.
i koncowka:
I am wonder that respectable corporation has problem with amicably and quietly arrange thing and expose you to infamy.

Jestem zdziwiony ze taka szanowana korporacja ma problem z polubownym i cichym zalatwieniem tej sprawy i narazacie sie na zla slawe.
zazalenie czyli niedzielna wersja proby wyludzenia hehehe

In response to your letter dated February 10, 2009 concering my compensation for lost ID card.
I am writing to inform you I am not ready to accept your proposal,
because it will not be an adequate sum to cover all my (expenses jesli wydales jakies pieniadze)unpleasantness, tribulations ( przykrosci)

According to law( to hipnotyzuje), I am in full right to seek compensation for your remissness. Therefore, I will accept your voluntary payment of (ŁXX but not less than hehehe) to my bank account as a claim for compensation.
I suppose, that 28 days from this date should not be too long term to pay advance.( kazda platnosc moze byc rozlozona w ratach, 28 dni to zaliczka lub pierwsza rata)
Otherwise, I will take this case to the courts. This will expose
you to additional expenses and infamy ( eternal damnation as well hehehe)
I don’t consider myself an expert in law but it will be useful to mention that I took legal advice and i was advised to take legal procedings right away.
I am in great astonishment, that a reputable corporation like yours cannot reach an agreeable settlement with me.
I have good intentions to reach agreement on this matter.
(even that smells of corruption hehehe)
your devious sorry of course your sincerely
nie przejmuj sie wstawkami
I am writing to inform, that I am not ready to accept your proposal
pisze by oznajmic, ze nie przyjmuje twojej propozycji itp

w poprzednim poscie jest zle, bez you

I jeszcze:

[VN], [VN that], [VN speech], [VN wh-]

Zawsze czasownik [verb, V] łączy się z rzeczownikiem [noun, N] w tym znaczeniu

Czyli będzie INFORM YOU
terri co ty na to?
inform you i bez przecinka przed "that".
>inform you i bez przecinka przed "that".

Hi Princess,
I love your prissiness.
It's good to hear you click again. But why are you on wrong side of the fence?
Here is a little something for you.

In case you didn't notice, I am the guy who looks like Bruce.
>It's good to hear you click again. But why are you on wrong side of
>the fence?

I dont know why, but the side is the wrong side. You go figure that.
Anyway, I am alive and well. willing to kick some butt.
Of course, your behind is to be admired, milady.
Postaram się pomagać jutro!
And where the hell have you been, if you don't mind my asking? I thought you dumped me and I've been crying my eyes out.
Since you're learning Polish all the time it would be good to point you out some mistakes you make, just for your improvement. I think it would be of a benefit for you.

It's better to say: Postaram się jutro pomóc - I will try to help tomorrow.
>And where the hell have you been, if you don't mind my asking? I
>thought you dumped me and I've been crying my eyes out.

O my,

I've had a situation (young students of the art must remember there are words that don't need to be, such as "situation," "fact," "overly," process," "option," and a train load of others) that is no more. (See how foreign inclusions are a bad idea?) That's a terrible sentence, but I can live with it for a sec because I feel good.

Now back to what's important.
Dumping you milady has never been an "option" (I can't believe I am saying one of those filthy words again).
Logging in to the site was a daunting task. Now I know that typing the password right may take seven of the best blood in the neighborhood to accomplish. Anyway, the police were called in, and with their and the CIA's help the password was recovered. I still have a headache though.
(Did you notice the perfect spelling of the words that were not missing?)
I am still hoarding stuff. And then some. What say you?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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