opis osoby-pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam. czy mógłby ktoś mi pomóc i zerknąć na pracę przedstawiającą opis osoby? Jestem po ciężkich przeżyciach i niestety kiepsko mi wszystko idzie a nie chciałabym zawalić niczego w szkole. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc a oto tekst:

I want to describe person which is very important to me. My boyfriend’s name is Peter. He’s 20 years old. I love him because he is very emotional and hopeful. He has short blond hear and beautiful blue eyes. He is slim and medium-height, and good-looking. He doesn’t have any freckles or tattoo.
He is very ambitious person but he isn’t very confident . Peter is also very hard-working. He is always cheerful and has optimistic personality. My parents like him because he is sensible, intelligent and honest. They know that he is responsible and cares about me. I respect him because he is always calm and friendly. Everyone like him because Peter is so funny and energetic. He always make me happy.
I want to describe someone who is very important person in my life. My boyfriend's name is Peter. He's 20 years old. I love him because he is very emotional and hopeful. He has short blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He is slim and medium-height, and good-looking. He doesn't have any freckles or tattoo.
He is very ambitious person but he isn't very confident . Peter is also very hard-working. He is always cheerful and has optimistic personality. My parents like him because he is sensible, intelligent and honest. They know that he is responsible and cares for me. I respect him because he is always calm and friendly. Everyone like him because Peter is so funny and energetic. He always make me happy.
I want to describe A person which is very important to me.
He has short blond hAIR and beautiful blue eyes.
He doesn't have any freckles or A tattoo.
Everyone likeS him because Peter is so funny and energetic. He always makeS (3os.l.poj dodajemy -s) me happy.
Witam nie wiem czy pisze w odpowiednim miejscu ale niech będzie. Potrzebuje napisać list formalny a nie wiem jak się do niego zabrać? czy ktoś mi pomoże? z góry dziękuje. oto temat:
Pracujesz dla firmy spedycyjnej, która potrzebuje reklamowych ulotek. Znalazłeś w prasie reklamę firmy produkującej ulotki.Napisz do niej z prośbą o katalog i cennik. czy ktoś wie jak to napisać??? w liście mamy uwzględnić podajemy kim jesteśmy skąd dowiedzieliśmy się o ofercie (czyli z gazety), dlaczego jesteśmy nią zainteresowani.
Miejsce nie ma wielkiego znaczenia. Problemem jest tu to, że Ty chcesz, aby ktoś za Ciebie zadanie odrobił.