Prosze o sprawdzenie;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When I was walking back home from the school the weather was horrible because rain was runnig down for all day. Suddenly I heard terrible noise, It was a car incident. One of the drivers didn't adjust to reiging term on road and He hit in tree. The passersby helped to escape the man of incident from car. In this moment I rang after ambulance which arrived in 10 minutes. took the man to hospital. When I came back to home I told whole situation parents and I was proud thet I could help somebody.
czemu nikt nie chce mi pomoc?;/
czyzby nie było błedow w tym co napisalem?;)
Czekasz 10 minut i już się niecierpliwisz? Tu nikt nie pracuje na etacie, nikt nie ma obowiazku pomagac.
When I was walking back home from school the weather was horrible because it had been raining all day. Suddenly I heard brak przedimka terrible noise, It was a car accident. One of the drivers didn't give the right of way and He hit brak przedimka tree. The passersby helped nie rozumiem pozwolili uciec czlowekowi wypadku z samochodu to escape the man of incident from car. In this moment I rang inny przyimek brak przedimka ambulance which arrived in 10 minutes AND took the man to hospital. When I came back home I told POWIEDZIALEM CALA SYTUACJE? whole situation parents and I was proud ORTOGRAF. thet I could PAST PERFECT OD BE ABLE TO help somebody.
When I was walking back home from school, the weather was horrible because it had been raining all day. Suddenly, I heard a terrible noise. It was a car accident. One of the drivers did not adapt his driving style to the conditions on the road (reigning terms to kalka z polskiego) and hit a tree. The passersby helped the man to get out of the car. At that moment, I rang for an ambulance which arrived 10 minutes later and took the man to hospital. When I came back home, I described the whole situation to my parents and I was proud that I could help somebody.
prosze sie nauczyc cierpliwosci.
Jak chyba wiesz, bo jak nie, to Ciebie teraz uswiadomie, ludzie, ktorzy tutaj pomagaja maja swoje rodzinne obowiazki (dom, maz, dzieci, zwierzeta) i nie moga siedziec tu 24/7, tylko dlatego, ze ty jestes niecierpliwy i nie umiesz zaplanowac wszystkiego.
Taka nieciepliwosc nie jest najlepsza twoja cecha. Jak cos jest pilne, to naucz sie wklejac w Piatek, a nie na ostatnie pare godzin w Niedziele. Jest przeciez weekend i ludzie ktorzy pracuja, tez maja jakies prawo odpoczywac.


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