proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
They are a victims, becouse them parents are alcoholics. They go to specjal school. They very good in science. Their parents got divorced once.
First advice that be able to is conversation from a school psychiologist. may be applied to life to do something positive. The next solution to this problem is to talk with their parents. May be heard before termination of such a problem. third advice is to talk with the teacher to carry out a lesson on the ill-treatment which he could invite a police officer.
One could ask a policeman for the lessons that could provide students the consequences of abouse. Can invite a police officer on the lessons that could provide students with the consequences of abuse. Propably when they were introduced by the following changes to the procedure to others.
Other, more general rotue to address the problem of abouse to for example. Together in groups and speaking about their problems. Maybe some people passed by such problems and know how to end a good time for all.
They are 'a' (nie dajemy 'a' przed l. mn) victims, 'becouse' (to slowo tak sie nie pisze, to dlaczego to robisz?) 'them' THEIR parents are alcoholics. They go to 'specjal' (ortog) school. They ARE very good in science. Their parents got divorced once.
First advice that 'be able to' (nie wiem o co tu chodzi) is conversation from a school 'psychiologist' (ortog) (which) may be applied to life to do something positive.
(ale co? mam zgadywac?) may be heard before termination of such a problem. THE Third advice is to talk with the teacher to carry out a lesson on the ill-treatment TO which he could invite a police officer.
One could ask a policeman for the lessons that could provide students
WITH the consequences of 'abouse' (ortog). (ale kto-?napisz) can invite a police officer 'on' TO the lessons that could provide students with the consequences of abuse. (dlaczego masz to samo zdanie 2 razy?)
...'Propably' (ortog) when they were introduced by the following changes to the procedure to others....(to zdanie niema sensu - popraw)
Other, more general 'rotue' (ortog) to address the problem of 'abouse'(ortog) 'to for example' (nie wiem z czym to jest).
...Together in groups and speaking about their problems....(to nie jest zdanie) Maybe some people HAVE 'passed' (zle slowo - tutaj experienced) 'by' (niepotr) such problems and know how to end 'a good time' (tego nie rozumiem w tym zdaniu)
for all.