
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzoo prosze o sprawdzenie!!!

How often do you go to the supermarket?
I go to the supermarket every weekend

Which supermarket do you go to? Why?
I go to the Kaulfnad because is cheap and is near me. The goods are polity. And the important you can buy everything wonder one roof.

Do you look at the food other people are buying? Does it say anything about them?
Yes. I look. Some people buy fast food and you can see them, because they are fat.
Some people buy fruit and vegetables. They are healthy and smiling.
Some people buy expensive products because they are rich.

I read (hmm nie wiem jak to okreslic takie naklejki ze skladem jak to bedzie?) because this is very important for health. For some products contain a lot of unhealthy chemicals.
How often do you go to the supermarket?
I go to the supermarket every weekend

Which supermarket do you go to? Why?
I go to the Kaulfnad because is cheap and is near me(napisz:near my home). The goods are polity(co masz na mysli?? towary sa...?). And the important(napisz and important thing) you can buy everything in one place.(nie rozumiem co masz na mysli piszac: wonder one roof!)

Do you look at the food other people are buying? Does it say anything about them?
Yes. I look(lepiej bedzie Yes.I do). Some people buy fast food and you can see(lepiej notice) them, because they are fat(moze nie tak ostro:)napisz overweight).
Some people buy fruits and vegetables. They are healthy and smiling.
Some people buy expensive products because they are rich.

I read ingredients(napisz jako skladniki) because this is very important for health. For some products contain a lot of unhealthy chemicals.
Prosze nie wklejac tego samego tematu 10 razy. To juz mnie (w slowach K. Durczoka zaczyna wku....) Ja niemam az tyle czasu, zeby poprawiac cos, i wtedy widziec, ze jest to juz poprawione przez kogos innego.
Od dzis, juz nigdy nie licz na moja pomoc.


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