kara śmierci rozprawka

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Capital Punishment

It is form of punishment which raises great deal of controversy. This subject is always topical people discus about it for ages some of them are against and some support this idea.

I'm against becouse of couple reasons.

First of all i think that capital punishment is inhumane. Everyone have right to live and no one can decide about someone death, it only God 's decission.. We can punish crimilnals in other way, if they spend many years in jail maybe they understend their mistake and change for the better we can't deprive them chance to improve.

At the same time people who support death penalty thinks that criminals who break law and perpetrate crime shouldn't take up place in jail becouse they don't diserve for this and they are tremendous financial burden on the whole of society.

Decision about someone's death is hard to take for judge. In investigation there are often many doubts and no enough ammount of proofs, in this circumstance we can't condemn suspected on death penalty. What if we bring about a verdict and after execution turn out that we condemn wrong person?

However if the proofs are strong enough supporter would deprive somebody of his life.

I think that this form of punishment shouldn't be use in our century. It is a cruel practise.
Mnie sie wydaje, ze cos nie lubisz uzywac slowa 'a'...dlaczego?

It is A form of punishment which raises A great deal of controversy. This
subject is always topical. People discusS 'about' (niepotr) it for 'ages' (zly register-) some of them are against and some support this idea.

I'm against 'becouse' (prosze NIGDY tego slowa tak nie pisac, popraw) of A couple OF reasons.
First of all 'i' (I zawsze piszemy duza litera) think that capital punishment is inhumane. Everyone 'have' HAS A right to live and no one can decide about someone'S death, it SHOULD only BE God's 'decission' (ortog). We can punish 'crimilnals' (ortog) in SOME other way. If they spend many years in jail maybe they 'understend' (ortog) their mistake and change for the better. We can't deprive them OF THE chance to improve.
At the same time people who support death penalty 'thinks' (people THINK) that
criminals who break THE law and perpetrate crime shouldn't take up place
in jail 'becouse' (nigdy nie chce tego widziec napisane w ten sposob) they don't diserve 'for' (niepotr) this and they are A tremendous financial burden on the whole of THE society.
THE decision about someone's death is hard to 'take' MAKE for A judge. In
ANY POLICE investigation there are often many doubts and noT enough 'ammount' (ortog ale i tak slowo niepotr) 'of' (niepotr) 'proofs' PROOF, in 'this' THESE (bo circs powinna byc l. mnoga) circumstanceS we can't condemn suspected CRIMINALS 'on' TO THE death penalty. What if we bring about a verdict and after THE execution IT turnS out that we condemnED THE wrong person?
(p.s. w takim wypadku ososba dostaje 'pardon'- i tutaj mozesz napisac, ze to nic nie daje, bo i tak jej niema)
However, if the 'proofs are' PROOF IS strong enough THE supporterS OF THE DEATH PENALTY would deprive somebody of 'his' THEIR life.
I think that this form of punishment shouldn't be useD in our century.


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