Pomóżcie! błagam....

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc to naprawdę jest mi potrzebne i pilne. Bardzoo proszę ;)
Oto opis przyjaciółki. Tam mam pokazywać zdjęcia i dlatego są tak sformułowane niektóre zdania. Jeszcze raz bardo proszę .....

I have then met Renata. We attend together to primary and secondary school. We set in one desk almost always.
The picture shows Renata and my cousin-that was trip in second class. And that is celebration-I;m standing near my friend.Here We are on Valentine’s day in school. That picture is really funny. We caroled. She was Maria. Renata really likes speak publicly. In the future she would like to become actress. Her passion are trips and chiropractic. In the free time she also skis and listens tomusic. She often reads a book. Her the best book is Eragon and my also.
We very love spend time together. We never bored in one’s company, always we have a lot of laugh and speak.
She will be good mum, because she as love children as I.
Here she make ready on last ball in secondary school. She still smiling.
Renata’s helpful, open, cheerful, brave, caring and really creative and hard-working.
She’s lucky, one day she found fifteen zł?
Moreover she’s modest and optimistic. Every time I can rely on her.
We understand without words. I think then our friendships survive a long of time…..
>I have then met Renata-> pomyłka: I have just then met Renata
Prosze nauczyc sie gdzie sie stawia 'a', i 'the' Bez tego zdania sa niegram.

I 'have' (niepotr) then met Renata. We attendED 'together' (daj to na koncu zdania) 'to' (niepotr) primary and secondary school (together). We 'set' SAT in one desk almost always.
The picture shows Renata and my cousin-that was trip in second 'class' (lepiej napisac 'year'.
And that is A celebration-I'm standing near my friend. Here we are 'on' AT A
Valentine's day in school. 'That' THIS picture is really funny.
'We caroled' (nie rozumiem tego pojecia).
'She' THAT was Maria. Renata really likes TO speak publicly. In the future she
would like to become AN actress. Her passion 'are trips' IS TRAVELLING and 'chiropractic' (ortog).
In 'the' HER free time she also skis and listens to music.
Her 'the' (niepotr) best book is Eragon and IT IS 'my' MINE also.
We 'very' (cos z tym 'very'jest - nie uzywamy tego tak-) love TO spend time together VERY MUCH. We ARE never bored in 'one's' (nie lubie tego 'one' - tutaj EACH OTHERS) company,
We always 'we' (niepotr) have a lot of laughS and 'speak' (nie, tutaj mozesz dac 'gossip').
She will be A good mum, because she 'as' (niepotr) loveS (she-to 3os.l.poj) children as MUCH AS I DO.
Here she 'make ready' IS GETTING READY on THE last ball in THE secondary school. She IS still smiling.
'Every time I can rely on her' (zrob to zdanie inaczej...I can rely on her always).
We understand (tutaj potrzeba co/kogo? daj EACH OTHER without words. I think 'then' THAT our friendships WILL survive FOR a long 'of' (niepotr) time.....
Bardzo dziekuję, bardzo bardzo :*:*:*:*:*
Nauczę się ;) tego co napisałaś.
I jeszcze raz dziękuje
Tak wygląda po poprawce. Terri dobrze? ;) dzięki jeszcze raz

I just then met Renata. We attended primary and secondary school together. We sat in one desk almost always.
The picture shows Renata and my cousin-that was trip in second year. And that is celebration-I’m standing near my friend.Here We are a Valentine's day in school. This picture is really funny. We caroled (chciałam powiedzieć: my KOLĘDOWALISMY). She was Maria. Renata really likes to speak publicly. In the future she would like to become an actress. Her passion is traveling and chiropractic. In her free time she also skis and listens to music. She often reads a book. Her best book is Eragon and it is mine also.
We love to spend time together very much. We are never bored in each others company, always have a lot of laughs and gossip.
She will be a good mum, because she loves children as much as I do
Here she is getting ready on the last ball in the secondary school. She is still smiling.
Renata's helpful, open, cheerful, brave, caring and really creative and hard-working.
She's lucky, one day she found fifteen zł?
Moreover she's modest and optimistic. I can rely on her always
We understand each other without words. I think that our friendships will survive a long of.....
Nie zrobilas tych poprawek ktore wskazalam.
Zrobiłam, jezeli co przeoczyłam to przepraszam.
I jeszcze raz dziekuje :)
Then I met Renata.
Proszę o pomoc. Może mi ktoś to przetłumaczyć na angielski?

Cześć Ania!
Co nowego u Ciebie? Dostałaś mój ostatni list? Długo się nie widziałyśmy. Musimy się koniecznie spotkać. Mam Ci tyle do powiedzenia. Od mojego ostatniego listu wiele się zmienilo. Ta więc...
Pod koniec stycznia, w parku poznałam wspaniałego chłopaka. Ma na imię Adam. jest bardzo przystojny. Wysoki blondyn, niebieskie oczy, dobrze zbudowany. Dobrze się rozumiemy. Adam jest dowcipny, inteligentny, dobrze wychowany. To ideał mężczyzny! Od kiedy go poznałam moje zycie się zmieniło- nie jest już takie nudne. Jestem z nim bardzo szczęśliwa. Jeszcze krótko się znamy abym mogła coświęcej powiedzieć o nas,o jakiś planach na przyszłość, ale trzymaj za nas kciuki. W najblizszym czasie obiecuje się jeszcze odezwać.
Pozdrawiam Kasia
Ile razy, no ile, musimy to samo czytac. Czy naprawde myslisz, ze nie jestesmy w stanie pojac o co Ci chodzi po jednym przeczytaniu, - chyba tylko do dzieci z przedszkola tak trzeba mowic (10 razy to samo).
Prosze zrobic to sama i dac do poprawienia - a nie oczekiwac na kogos, kto to zrobi ZA Ciebie. Bo przeciez TY masz sie uczyc.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.