sprawdzenie tłumaczenia listu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam, prosze o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu listu z podziekowaniami.
Temat: Imagine you have some British friends in the UK, and you stayed with them for a week last month. (wyobraz sobie, ze masz przyjaciół w Anglii i przebywałeś z nimi tydzien w zeszłym miesiącu.) napisz list z podziekowaniami.

mam cos takiego ale nie wiem czy jest dobrze:

dear nicole and mark,

How are you?
sorry for not writting earlier but I've been incredibly busy.
Im writing to thank you for letting me stay with you in last month. I had a fantastic time. I really think my english got better.
There were a lot of memorable days, but I'll never forget London Eye. It was amazing.
For the last three weeks I've been very busy. I and my parents move to new house because old house was small. The house is in the suburbs. It's pretty and big, we have eight rooms two bedrooms and garage. The garden is in front of the house. My room is the biggest. It's beautiful. Now I've been going swimming ang playing basketball with my friends.
Anyway, that's all for now. Thanka again for everythink. Don't forget my initation to come to Zamość.

Best wishes, Kasia.
Dear Nicole and Mark,
How are you (mozna dodac 'both')?
Sorry for not 'writting' (ortog) earlier, but I've been incredibly busy.
I'm writing to thank you for letting me stay with you 'in' (niepotr) last
There were a lot of memorable days, but I'll never forget THE London Eye.
I and my parents moveD to A new house because THE old house was small.
We have eight rooms two bedrooms and A garage.
Now I've been going swimming 'ang' (ortog) playing basketball with my friends.
'Thanka' (chcialas napisac 'thanks' ale lepiej 'Thank you' again for 'everythink' (ortog). Don't forget my 'initation' (ortog) to come to Zamość.
dziękuje bardzo za pomoc :):)


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