life home in furure proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Technology influence on our mome life. Nowadays we do at home washing, cleaning and so on, will be done for us by machines. I recon that in future there will be a vacuum cleaner that won't need our help in cleaning the house and there will be small computers that will be easy to carry with you. Those computers will be operated by remote control or just by our voice. Thanks to this facility we will be able to control everything that happens in our home from cleaning as such to opening the front door when the guests come. I think that every house will be equipped with air-conditioning and various filters that will protect us from any kind of pollution. The meals will also be simple to prepare. There will be a lot of different concentrated meals in tablets which will enable us to spare our time. Instead of cooking we will have more time for ourselves.

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