7 krotkich zdan - proszę o spr :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. I suppose George would be jealous if he found it out.
2. I would faint from impression if I were on the top of this mountain.
3. It was totally shock for me when my German teacher said I was chosen and I'm going with 4 other people from school to Germany.
4. We'll live there with German families who are willing to accomodate us and attend German course.
5. When I find it out I was jumping for joy.
6. jestem dobrej mysli - jak brzmi taki zwrot? I'm a good thought chyba nie bardzo?
7. A mountain of 2350 m high - gora o wysokosci 2350 m
1. I suppose George would be jealous if he found (it) out.
2. I would 'faint from impression' (cos tu nie tak) if I were on the top of this
3. It was A totaL shock for me when my German teacher said I was
chosen and THAT I'm going (daj 'to Germany' tutaj) with 4 other people from school. to Germany.
4. We'll live there with German families who are willing to accomodate
us 'and attend German course' (nie przypuszczalam, ze oczekujesz, zeby te German families attend German course)(cos tu nie tak).
5. When I 'find' (tutaj czas przeszly FOUND 'it' (niepotr) out I was jumping for joy.
6. jestem dobrej mysli - jak brzmi taki zwrot? 'I'm a good thought' (nie to wyglada, ze ty, zamiast byc czlowiekiem, jestes mysla - nie tak...napisz...I hope, albo I anticipate...)
7. A mountain 'of' (niepotr) 2350m high - gora o wysokosci 2350
2. fainted from impression? czy moze przyimek nie ten?
3. We'll attend German course there and live with German families who are willing to accomodate us.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


CAE - sesja lato 2008