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Long Live Books!
Letters create syllables which create words which create sentences which are created by thoughts. Thoughts give birth to sounds which create melodies. And this is beautiful. Why then it is important to read those words in a specific way? Why it is better for us to read a real, paper book than the on-line one?
First of all, reading a paper book allows us to have an experience with a book. We have to turn pages, touch them, we have to hold the book. Reading an on-line one does not bring us any tactile sensation - we are more separated from the text, from those important words, which give us a moment of content while listening to their unique melody inside our minds.
Paper books reading also improves also our mental skills and imagination, which was proven scientifically. It was also proven scientifically that people spending many hours in the Internet are impatient and more careless. So people reading on-line books can do it curiously and sometimes are unable to utterly understand the book’s plot and it’s hidden meaning. They are more distracted.
What cannot also be omitted is the fact that while spending lots of hours opposite the screen we suffer our eyes and lead to their irritation and other, sometimes perilous ailments.
Printed books will never die. They are needed. To human kind’s development. To our satisfaction. To contribute to our pitiful existence melody, without which the question of our life’s meaning appears.


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