proszę o sprawdzenie dialogu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Joe :hello! Jenny
jenny : hi Joe
JOe : did I see You at school yesterday
Jenny : and what ?
Joe: and I thought from could we go together to the cinema tomorrow what You on this ?
Jenny : I arranged from alexem tomorrow and can not dismiss this !
Joe: but alex is the sucker and you should go with me!
Jenny : just I do not know I can not so leave him...tomorrow I will let You know

the next day at the school

Jenny : hey Joe !
Joe : so Jenny ?
Jenny :is Your proposal farther current ?
Joe: so! so do you want to go with me to the cinema ?
Jenny: oh Joe I always liked you... do I so have the great readiness isc with You to the cinema
Joe: and what from Alexem ?
Jenny: I told him that he is ugly and that I will not appear on the city with him
Joe: this super... I will take You on pizza after the cinema
Jenny :ok....fall after me about 7pm


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie