The world in 100 years will look much different than IT DOES now. Everything
will change because of modernity and new technology which will
'overcome' (napisz to inaczej...impact on) our whole life. Our whole 'nowaday' (niema takiego slowa, it is nowadays,) 'life' (niepotr) will change under the influence of modernity and many changes (which will happen) in nature. The world in 100 years will be more mechanized, 'technique' (czy nie technical? inventions) and computers will 'overcome' (nie wiem czy to najlepsze slowo) everything. People will not have a job, 'technique' (to jest zle slowo - the technical inventions) will be so good that robots will BE substituteD for people.
As for THE ecological world, 'the' (niepotr) nature will change unrecognizablY under the influence of sudden (global) warming 'up' (niepotr) AND pollution. The nature and the whole world will slowly be dying, 'also animals' (z czym to sie laczy? will the animals). People create our future and it depends on us if that world will 'exsict' (ortog) or not, if new technologies and computers will not 'overcome' us and will not result in our extinction.
I think that the future gives us, as people, 'bigger' LARGER prospects 'to' FOR
working and widenING our horizons.