prosze o sprawdzenie-pilnie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze aby sprawdzic mi czy ponizsze zdania sa zbudowane poprawnie pod wzgledem gramatycznym:

1.You shouldn't play on the rocks because you can fall into the water
2.I like spending my free time in the fresh air.
3.Last week I saw that one car crashed into the tree
4.on the artic ocen,there are many of iceberg
5.the most of passangers prefer travelling by plane
6.every ship have lifeboats
7.i like ridding a motorbike
8.a sharp corner is dangerous for rider
9.on the wet road,rider can lose control of car
10.I'll keep going my education if i pass mature
11. if i do something,i always reach my destination
12.a fishing boat is the most popular by the sea


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie