!!!pomocy :)) !!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo ładnie proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu moich wypocin, Jest to spawa bardzo pilna! :)

I spent my first week on seeking for English courses as well as the required books. When I had collected all necessary books I sent you an e-mail with a list of their names. At beginning of March I started to learn English Language in the XXXX Company as well in private classes with mr. John X, who is an American.
In next three weeks I had about 8 classes in the Exxxx company and about 6 appointments with mr. X. During those classes I was listening and answering.
I have also downloaded the CXZ software and I put a great effort to it. This software give me a lot of satisfaction because in compared to the AutoCAD it is brilliant and more efficient. And it let to save great amount of time during design.
Now I can sghow you my first designed mobile.
During this month I managed lot of time for studying English language and other subjects. But what I must say it is difficult to remind all of the required issues in this same time. I think if I had got more precisely listed task i would have better prepared my self to this appointment. However I am glad to be en employee of such a great company.
I spent my first week [-] seeking [-] English courses as well as the
required books. When I had collected all necessary books I sent you THE [bo chyba i odbiorca, i nadawca wie]
e-mail with THE [to samo, jak odbiorca już o tym wie] list of their names. At THE beginning of March I started to
learn THEEnglish Language in the XXXX Company as well AS in private classes
with Mr. [w ten sposób (wielkość liter)] John X, who is an American.
I had about 8 classes in the Exxxx company and
about 6 appointments with Mr. [to samo] X IN THE !FOLLOWING! WEEK. During those classes I was listening
and answering.
I have also downloaded the CXZ software and I put a great effort to
it. This software give me a lot of satisfaction because WHEN compared to
the AutoCAD it is brilliant and more efficient. And it ENABLES ME to save
great amount of time during design.
Now I can SHOW you my first designed mobile.
During this month I DEVOTED lot of time TO studying THE English language
and other subjects. But what I HAVE TO ADMIT, it is difficult to remind all
of the required issues in THE same time. I think if I had got more
precisely listed task I would have BEEN WELL-prepared [-] to this
appointment. However, I am glad to be an employee of such a great
superasko Panie FCE :) - dziękuję! :)
mam jeszcze parę pytań
I had about 8 classes in the Exxxx company and about 6 appointments with Mr. [to samo] X IN THE !FOLLOWING! WEEK.
- chodzi o to, że przez następne 3 tygodnie miałem 8 tego i 6 tamtego.
więc powinno być "(...) IN THE !FOLLOWING! =>THREE
1) in the following three weeks
2)learn (bez "t", forma teraźniejsza)


Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia