proszę o sprawdzenie:|

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I was born on 12 July, 1912. I look good and normal but was the sick. My mother use to say to me every time about my death and that my life will short because I’m heavy sick child. I loved my mom because she also loved me but I knew that we won’t always together. I liked conversations with my mom about death and haven, this it was very pacified for me. One day I felt badly. I had pain of stomach and coughed with a blood, then I was very scared because remembered what said my mom. In those days everybody knew that I will probably die in the months to come. In next week I felt good again and don’t so sure about I died. Doctor went to the our house two times a week and he said once that don’t left many days for me. He said also that I was strong but the illness killed me. Once upon the time mother brought me to the toys shop and bought me a beautiful red car. This was the best day in my life, probably will have more days such as it but I died in next month. I became a ghost and began to new life.
błędy stylistyczne, gramatyczne, fleksyjne, językowe, leksykalne, interpunkcyjne, rzeczowe, ortograficzne, słownikowe, logiczne, frazeologiczne i składniowe. niedostateczny

Żartowałam ;)
I was born on THE 12TH OF July, 1912. (Przypomnij sobie taki film, Born on the 4th of July) I lookED (czas przeszly) 'good' WELL and normal but was 'the' (po co to 'the' - niepotr) sick.
My mother useD to 'say to me' TELL ME 'every' ALL THE time about my death and that my life will BE short because I'm A 'heavy' (niepotr) sickLY child. I loved my mom because she also loved me but I knew that we won't always BE (dlaczego zapominasz to 'be') together. I liked conversations with my mom about death and 'haven' (zle slowo - tutaj HEAVEN nie haven), this 'it' (niepotr) was very 'pacified' (zle slowo- zla czesc zdania, moze lepiej peaceful) for me. One day I felt badly. I had pain 'of' IN MY stomach and coughed 'with a' (Nie, nie tak - coughed blood up) blood, then I was very scared because I remembered what
'said my mom' (zla kol slow - mother had told me).
In THE next week I felt 'good' WELL (you 'feel well', a nie 'good') again and 'don't so sure about I died' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem). THE doctor 'went' CAME-przyszedl) to 'the' (niepotr) our house two times a week and he said once that HE 'don't' (zly czas - DID NOT 'left' GIVE ME many days. 'for me' (niepotr). He said also that I was strong but the illness WOULD 'killed' KILL me. Once upon 'the' A time MY mother brought me to the 'toys' TOY shop and bought me a beautiful red car. This was the best day 'in' OF my life, probably 'will' WOULD have more days 'such as' LIKE 'it' THIS but I died 'in' THE next month. I became a ghost and began 'to' A new life.
Dziękuje bardzo za sprawdzenie:) fanie że komuś się chce taką masakrę sprawdzać;p


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