Polish shipyards and particulary Gdańsk's shipyard are 'fight with
communism symbols' (zla kol slow - nawet po polsku tak nie powiesz). They are the 'Iron Curtain collapse symbols' (jak ty to myslisz, zla kol slow), which
'shared' (zle slowo) Europe into two parts. Liquidation of Polish shipyards, 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co')suggest the European Commission, is THE spell 'defenestration' (zle slowo) OF so many workers, 'which' (o ludziach nir mowimy 'which') can have difficulties with 'find' (popraw) a new job. I think that (ale kto? mam zgadywac?) must do all in order 'to' FROR Polish shipyards 'didn't' (popraw - zly czas) close.
A private operator 'injected' (znaczy to juz zrobil czy ma zrobic-popraw) fresh money into it.
Ladnie, ladnie, ale to jest pisane przez inna osobe jak poprzedni paragraf i dlatego dalej sie nie interesuje ty. Ja tez umiem COPY AND PASTE - Wstyd!!!!!