When a child does not want to do his homework, eat, learn, help his
parents in daily activities, is opposeD to goING TO sleep 'in' AT the required
time, destroys his toys, becomes 'to be' (niepotr) arrogant, rude or 'just
something else' (jak dziecko moze byc 'something else'?) then parents MUST look for a 'proper source' (cos nie tak- napisz 'a way') IN ORDER to encourage children to do something.
(To zdanie jest za dlugie)
Usually that 'source' (cos tego nie lubie, zle pojecie, tutaj mozesz napisac..that something..) turns out to be a prize or punishment.
In this essay I will try to 'prove' (nie, nie tak, 'prove' jest za silne slowo, lepiej 'illustrate') which way of bringing up children seems to be 'a' THE better one.
According to many adults punishing (kogo? czego?) is the best method because it improves a child'S 'behavior' (behaviour - BrE).
First of all I would like to consider THE WAY in which 'way' (niepotr) we apply the punishment. Most of the parents have a tendency toWARDS using physical violence when they are annoyed at something OR SOMEBODY.