Tekst - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zrobiłam test, w którym trzeba pozbyć się kilku słów, prosiłabym o sprawdzenie czy dobrych słów się pozbyłam.

Słowa w nawiasach to te których się pozbyłam.

I'm writing to congratulate you (on) the serive you have done provided in the last year. (Our) survey shows that customers are more satisfaied than before. 90 percent of them say that your agents anserw on the phone promptly and have all the information that they need to deal with (of) their calls efficiently. 92 percent say that your agents are polite and friendly and eaysy to understand. Please see the (enclosed) report for more of the survey findings - all very positivr! Looking forward to continuing cooperation beetween our two organsation !

A quick message to say that (our) campaign has started very well. The idea of putting ads into business magazines read by a men in their 50s was excellent. A lot of our customers are nostalgic for ZG models of the forty years ago, and now they have the money to buy one ! We now need to look more closely at the potential market among younger men. This is (some) one of many points we should discuss at our first review meeting a next week, (I think)
I'm writing to congratulate you (on)(pozbylas sie zlego slowo, mowimy to congratulate you on) the serVICE you have 'done provided' (popatrz na te 2 slowo i pomysl co one moga znaczyc?) in the last year. (Our) (nioe wiem dlaczego pozbylas sie 'our' bo przeciez to jest ich survey) survey shows that customers are more satisfIEDed than before. 90 percent of them say that your agents ansWER 'on the' (tutaj pomysl o tych dwuch slowach) phone promptly and have all the information that they need to deal with (of)(to jest dobrze-dobrego slowa sie pozbylas) their calls efficiently. 92 percent say that your
agents are polite and friendly and eaSY to understand. Please see the
(enclosed) (dlaczego pozbylas sie 'enclosed'?) report for more of the survey findings - all very positivE!
Looking forward to continuing cooperation between our two organsationS

A quick message to say that (our) (pozbylas sie zlego slowa, bez 'our' to w jaki sposob mozemy wiedziec czyj to?)campaign has started very well. The
idea of putting ads into business magazines read by 'a men' (pomysl, co nie robimy przed l.mnoga) in their 50s was excellent. A lot of our customers are nostalgic for ZG models of 'the' (to slowo jest tutaj niepotrz) forty years ago, and now they have the money to buy one ! We now need to look more closely at the potential market among younger men.
This is (some) (dobrze zrobione, pozbylas sie wlasciwego slowa) one of many points we should discuss at our first review meeting 'a' (pomysl o tym?) next week,
>I'm writing to congratulate you on the serVICE you have 'done ( provided')(pop in the last year. Our

>survey shows that customers are more satisfIEDed than before. 90
>percent of them say that your agents ansWER ('on) the' ( phone promptly and have all the information that
>they need to deal with (of)(to jest dobrze-dobrego slowa sie pozbylas)
>their calls efficiently. 92 percent say that your
>agents are polite and friendly and eaSY to understand. Please see the
enclosed report for more of the
>survey findings - all very positivE!
>Looking forward to continuing cooperation between our two
>A quick message to say tha our campaign has started very
>well. The
>idea of putting ads into business magazines read by ('a) men' in their 50s was excellent. A lot of our
>customers are nostalgic for ZG models of 'the' (to slowo jest tutaj
>niepotrz) forty years ago, and now they have the money to buy one ! We
>now need to look more closely at the potential market among younger
>This is (some) (dobrze zrobione, pozbylas sie wlasciwego slowa) one of
>many points we should discuss at our first review meeting ('a') ( next week,
nadal proszę o pomoc...


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie