zdania (czasy), proszę o spr! :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Mother (prepare) some good food before the guests arrived.
had prepared
2. I (wear) this dress when I met you.
was wearing
3. Whenever he wanted to explain something, he (become) terribly nervous.
4. After the sun (set) and the night (fall) we went to bed.
trochę nie rozumiem tego zdania, ale : had set, had fallen
5. When I (pass) the house I noticed that someone was trying to break the window.
was passing
6. The doctor (examine) melast night.
7. Our children(go) to the USA before they went to GB.
had gone
8. I (listen) to the radio the whole night yesterday.
was listening
9. When they (hide) the key in the wardrobe?
when did they hide
10. The Vistula (not, freeze) last winter.
didn't freeze
11. John (not, ride) this horse last week.
didn't ride
12. After the doctor (examine) my mother, he told her to stop smoking cigarettes.
had examined
13. I (not, undesratnd) the tv programme last night.
didn't understand
14. Last summer even roses (grow) in this park, but now there is not a single left.
proszę o sprawdzenie...
3. Whenever he wanted to explain something, he (become) terribly
nervous. became (za każdym razem gdy chciał coś wytłumaczyć STAWAŁ SIĘ...was becoming.
4. After the sun (set) and the night (fall) we went to bed.
>trochę nie rozumiem tego zdania, ale : had set, had fallen (po tym jak zaszło słońce i zapaddła noc poszliśmy spać
pozostałe ok
Dzięki! :):)

A czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić jeszcze te zdania ?
1. Who (talk) to on the phone at 5 pm?
were you talking
2. John didn't have to pack his suitcase as his mother (already/do) it for him.
has already done
3. He wondered where he (see) her before.
has seen
4. When he was young he (play) on the school basketball team.
5. (you/smoke) a lot when you were a student?
did you smoke
A czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić jeszcze te zdania ?
1. ok
2. John didn't have to pack his suitcase as his mother (already/do) it
for him. HAD ...has already done
3. He wondered where he (see) her before.
haD seen
4. When he was young he (play) on the school basketball team.
used to play
5. ok
Ach, no tak - HAD, przecież te zdania są w czasie przeszłym... ! ;)

Mam jeszcze pytanie: jeśli nie użyłabym w zdaniu 4 konstrukcji "used to", tylko samo "played" to czy byłby to wielki błąd czy tak też może być?

Dziękuję za sprawdzenie, terri :)
When he was young he played on the school basketball team. - można tak spokojnie powiedzieć. To takie proste stwierdzenie faktu, jakbyś np. opowiadała biografię jakiegoś polityka - urodził się, poszedł do szkoły, grał, zdał na studia itd.

Natomiast 'he was playing' byłoby tu grubszym błędem.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie