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Last friday afternoon Tony was at the kitchen at 8 o'clock. The weather was terrible and behind the window was storm and was raining. In the kitchen was dark and Tony was scared. Suddenly, he heard a strange voice. He didn't know what to do. He went to the table and sat on the chair. Then, he heard this strange voice again. Frightened Tony was thinking: 'Oh my God, what was it? Should I leave a home or not? Who knows, maybe there is a real monster!' Suddenly, he saw five frogs. He was relieved and cried: 'Uff happily, it's not a monster!' Tony took all frogs away from his home, near the pool. The following day Tony and his dad were in the restaurant. When thay were eating lunch, a boy told his dad what happend. The father was surprised and commended Tony for taking frogs away from home. Tony was very happy when he heard this commendation.