Opowiadanie, proszę sprawdźcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam zrobić projekt na angielski do poniedziałku. Napisałam już ale coś z tymi czasami nie tak chyba. Bo niby Past Continous jest do opowiadań ale dziwnie to wygląda jak całe w PC :O.

Day 1
On Saturday morning ( 20th of July) I was flying to Los Angeles- flight No 23rd NUK AirLines. Flight was very long. Plane was flying about 10hours. I was sitting in 12th row, next to the window.My baggage was small, I had with me only toothbrush, toothpaste, underclothes, documents, 5 T-shirts, 2 jeans, pad and pen. The crew were nice, chair comfortable, everything would be great unless our machine fly in big storm. About 4hours after start plane was start falling down.

Day 2
Strange place but nice. Very hot. Sand. A lot of clean water. Fresh air. High palms. Anybody. There I was wakeing up. I had hurt knee. When I was up to speed I fished up from water 2 big bags. First belong to me and second probably belond to someone else. I was looking around this island . There were plenty of coconuts' palms. The island I was calling xxxxxX. I'm going to scout around the island.

Day 3
I was finding 2 coconuts. I was eating and thinking what a material I building my "house". Finaly I was choosing branches and leafs. Hmm... What was heppening with the other people? Unless nobody will be searching me, i probably stay here until end of my life. I'm scared this vision. I'm alone on big island, sepparate from cyvilization, without contact with my family and friends, searching nutriment in big forest on a tree and sleeping in a provisoty house.... Moment ago I was try fishing, but ... uhg. probably I will be eating today coconuts', too.

Day 4
YEAH!! I was finding banana tree, mango and pineapples! I was elploring place, where is water hole with coll and cristal water. I was swimming, thinking, thinking, thinking and.. thinking. Yesterday I was dreaming that my wide, daughter, two sons and my parents was staying over a hospital bed.

Day 5
Next to the water hole I was finding a lot of stones, I was woving it on the beach and composedword: " SOS !". I was spending half dan on it. Next I was reposingand thinking what person would doing alone on island. I was thinking anything. I was missing to family, cyvilization, computer and american food. I was awakeing on midnight, because I was dreaming the same again - my famili in hospital...

Day 6
Today I was fishinf ! and inflame fire, I was frying fishes, eating. It was delicious. I was walking on the island, going to water hole, drinking a water and coming back on beach. When I ate mango and bananas I went to "bed".

Day 7
I was wakeing up early. I hadn't clock but i think. thet was about 7/8 AM. When I opened my eyes I saw something amazing. Over the island was flying a PLANE!!I was so happy, that i didn't know what i must doing. The plane was flew. Disappear. I was breaking down. I was thinking, that I'll stay here until the end of my life.

Day 8
I was spedning this day on lieing on the beach in palms' shadow. I was thinking about Cathy ( my wife). Does she know, that i alive plane crash? Does she think, that I'm dead? What she say children? Sharply, I was hearing womanly voice in my head: " Steve, I love you and I'm here. I was shocking, but finaly I was thinking, that it was imagination.

Day 9
My object: I must find the bottle and write a letter to Cath. Bottle of wine was in one of bags...

Dear Cathy,
I don't know if you get this letter sometimes... I'm alive ! I don't know what people say to you on the airport but I am ALIVE the plane crash ! And.. I love you!

No,No,No I'll finish later, I don't want write without a sense.

Day 10
When I woke up I was in big shock!!! I was in hospital. Cathy was sitting next to me. Today morning she tell me everything. The plane was falling down in Ocean but before has sunk crew was evacuated. I lost consciousness. I was 10 days in sleeping sickness. XXxxx ( nazwa wyspy) was only dream, long and interesting dream. In reality I didn't building " house", searching waret hole, fruits and materials to house, didn't write a letter to Cath. I was lieing in hospotal in Los Angeles. And my sream wasn't a dream.

bardzo Was proszę o pomoc. Tylko sprawdzenie i porawienie błędów ;) dziękujęz góry :)


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