
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz list do redakcji, w którym poprosisz o więcej informacji na temat filmu matrix. W swoim liście uwzględnij następujące punkty:
1) odpowiednio zacznij list i wyjaśnij, dlaczego piszesz
2) wyraź swoje zdanie na temat filmu matrix
3) zadaj nurtujące cię pytania
4) podziękuj za pomoc i odpowiednio zakończ list

Przydatne zwroty i struktury:
- Dear Sir or Madam/ Dear Editor; I am writing to ask a few quwstions about...; I would like to ask a few questions about...; I would like to know more about...
- In my opinion Matrix is
- First, I would like to know what/why/when/where...;
Second, I wonder if it is true that...; Third, could you tell me if...
- Thank you very much for your help; Yours faithfully

I am writing to ask a few questions about the Matrix movie.
In my opinion Matrix is a very good movie because it was very
successful at the box office, it is targeted at open people who are very much into science fiction cinema. The acting is very good and the special effects are also top notch.

Now if I may, I would like to ask you a few questions. Can you tell me when was this movie produced and what locations was it filmed on?
I wonder if it is true that there will be a sequel to Matrix.

Thank you very much for your help.

Yours faithfully,


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie