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Znalazłam w szafce jakieś stare zadanie z podstawówki, gdyby ktoś był tak miły i je sprawdził, ucieszyłabym się ogromnie :D Z gramatyki nie jestem jakoś wybitnie dobra, więc wolałabym, żeby sprawdził to ktoś, kto się lepiej zna. Z góry dziękuję :)

I think that my life in 20 years will be just the same as I have imagined. But first I must reach the end of the road. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be easy. My future is going to be connected with animals, especially with horses. First, I must finish high school, this will allow me to go to studies. I have chosen medical-language profile, there is a lot of learning! It would be great if I finish this school, because that's not the end of my plans. This year I will have learning German for three years, I should speak fluently, because I really want to study on University of Heidelberg. It's one of the best universities in Germany. Its graduates are the best professors and doctors, even winners of Nobel prizes. After finishing school with high level I would finally start working as a vet. Being a vet is very hard job, it's necessary to know body built of each animal, can recognise illnesses and treat them. Sometimes vet must approve oneself, for example, when one of the patients die. Then the owner must be consoled. It's exactly the same with people and one little difference is that the animal can't tell you what hurts itself. I think that I pull through in this job, I have got strong will and, above all, mind to help.
Another thing which I'm going to do is estabilish special organisation against animal cruelty. Someting like police, for every offence guilty can get a warning, except in the event of, for example, forcing to fight, starvation, keeping in harmful conditions. It may give rise to going to prison. The organisation would consist of officers and vets specializing in different ways. Each animal could live in our centre, even wild lions or tigers taken captive. Healthy animals after treatment could be given for adoption.
Besides this organisation I hope to establish a little horse stud, which will be located next to my house. It wouldn't be big. If I found enough time I could teach how to ride a horse.
I also want to have wonderful family, good husband and two children. I will be living on countryside, maybe abroad, in big house with beautiful garden. I will buy a dog and a cat. I hope my family will share my interests and support in different problems. I think that if I try hard, my life in 20 years is going to look like I said. Full of love, friendship and, above all, animals.


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