Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie - krótkie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie krótkiego przepisu na bigos. mój angielski nie jest zbyt dobry dlatego naprawdę zależy mi na pomocy.

sauerkraut stew
one kg cabbage
four hundred grams sauerkraut
handful of dried mushrooms
two hundred grams of beef
four hundred grams of pork
two hundred grams lean smoked bacon
one large onion
three bay leaves
five seeds pimento
three tablespoons TOMATO
salt, pepper, spices to mess things up

Sauerkraut rinsed and was pressing. Cuting and then throw into the pot.
Then add seeds pimento and bay leaves.Boiling to soft, for about an hour. Bacon, pork and beef in choping cubes, seasoned salt and pepper pot adjustable In water, when water zagotuje to put meat and bacon, mix and cook about 20 minutes.Water poured into the pot and when (zagotuję) to dispose of the meat and bacon, cooking 20 minutes.Then frying onions until when will be vitrified.When the cabbage is soft disposes mushrooms, cooked meat and bacon, onions.Mix and cook on low flame.Then add the spices: salt, pepper, spice to mess things up, mix and cook a half hour. Finally, add the tablespoons TOMATO and sauerkraut stew ready.
bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie..