Opowiadanie - proszÄ™ o sprawdznie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałam opowiadanie zaczynające się od słów: "I was alone in the house reading..." Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie, bo myślę, że błędów może być sporo :( Ponadto nie umiałam przetłumaczyć kilku zwrotów (są w nawiasach). Byłabym także dozgonnie wdzięczna za wzbogacenie języka, podniesienie jego poziomu. Proszę o pomoc!

I was alone in the house reading “Perfume: The Story of Murder” – a novel by Patrick Suskind. It was completely silently. I heard only the rain struck the roof. Streetlights didn’t work despite of the fact that it was the lat hour of a night. The darkness reigns outdoors. I can spot only the raindrops twinkled in the light of the Moon. I was sitting in the armchair. Wrapped in a blanket, I delved into the lecture.

The hero of the novel, Grenouille, had a incredibly expanded he sense of smell. He could recognize people (po zapachu). At the moment he was following young beautiful woman who had exceptionally nice scent. Without any word, he were going quietly and observing her.

Than, I heard gentle knocking on the stairs. It seemed to me that somebody had creeped up to my room. “What a preposterous idea!” I thought and returned to the lecture.

I knew that the woman observed would be the first victim of the murder and I was scared of reading about her death. I rose my eyesight from the book. Than I saw a pair of glittering eyes. Somebody were staying in the depth of my room and peering at me. “Aaaaa!” I shrieked automatically. Somebody jumped on me and I felt a wet tongue on my cheek. That was only my dog, which I forgot about. He came to remind about his existence.

"(Nigdy więcej) horror stories when I am alone in the house," I swore and went to bed sighting with relief.
Niestety, muszę zwolnić komputer i nie będę mogła odpowiedzieć na ewentualne pytania do mojego wypracowania, ale zajrzę tu rano, mam nadzieję, że ktoś mi pomoże i za to z góry dziękuję ;)
Ogladalam ten film

'It was completely silently' (to zdanie niema sensu, nie uzywasz wlsciwych czasci zdania)
I heard only the rain 'struck' STRIKING the roof. THE street lights didn't work despite 'of' (niepotr) the fact that it was 'the' A 'lat' (ortog) hour of 'a' THE (bo wiemy dokladnie, ze to tego wieczoru) night. The darkness reignED outdoors. I 'can' COULD spot only the raindrops twinklING in the light of the 'Moon' (dlaczego moon duza litera?).

>The hero of the novel, Grenouille, had a incredibly expanded 'he' (a co to slowo tu robi?) sense of smell. He could recognize people (po zapachu-by their smell). 'At the moment' (cos tu nie tak) he was following A young beautiful woman who had exceptionally nice scent.
Without any wordS, 'he were' (od kiedy- no od kiedy dajemy rzecz. l. poj a czas. l. mnogiej?) going quietly and observing her.
'Than' (zle slowo-popraw)p, I heard A gentle knocking on the stairs. It seemed to me that somebody had 'creeped' (popraw ten czas niereg) up to my room.

I knew that the woman observed would be the first victim of the 'murder' (popraw to - tutaj mowisz o murderer) and I was scared of reading about her death. I 'rose' (pom,ysl o tym, daj raised) my eyesight from the book. 'Than' (than jest uzywane kiedy porownojemy 2 rzeczy) I saw a pair of glittering eyes. Somebody 'were' WAS 'staying' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego)in the depth of my room and peering at me.
He came to remind (ale kogo?) about his existence.
There was completely silent. - tak dobrze?

The hero of the novel, Grenouille, had a incredibly expanded THE (miało być) sense of smell.

"At the moment" miało znaczyć, że w tamtym momencie akcji książki. Jak będzie prawidłowo?

"He WAS" oczywiście, pomyłka.

"Then" zamiast "than", znów literówka

"Somebody had crept..."

"I raised ma eyesight..." - zgadza się, też byłam zdziwiona tą formą, pomyliłam się szukając w słowniku.

Na końcu chciałam napisać, że ktoś stał w głębi pokoju i mnie obserwował. Chciał przypomnieć o swoim istnieniu.

"He came to remind me about his existance." - tak będzie ok? A poprzednie zdanie?
A "Nigdy więcej..." = "No horror stories... " - może być?
There was completely 'silent' (a czy silent jest rzeczownikiem?)
"At the moment" miało znaczyć, że w 'tamtym'-THAT .."I raised ma eyesight..." -
"He came to remind me about his 'existance. (ortog)
The hero of the novel, Grenouille, had a incredibly expanded 'THE' (nie rozumiem dlaczego myslisz, ze tam ma byc 'the') sense of smell.
>>There was completely 'silent' (a czy silent jest rzeczownikiem?)
Zrob to zdanie jeszcze raz.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.