proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Are you diet and lifestyle healthy? In what way?

Yes i think that my diet is healthy. Generally I eat very regularly and I use low fat diet. On the breakfast usually I eat products contain vitamins and protein. This is necessary beacuse breakfast is the most important meal during the day. For example these are fat- free youghurts and juice. Second I think that dinner should to provide a lot of protein and fibre so then I eat fish or meat and rice. Next on the supper i like eat salat and cornflakes. What is more i dont to smoke and never eat a sweet. My lifestyle is healthy too. In the morning if I feel energetic I go to arrobics classes and sometimes go for a swim in the pool. This exercises (give me a good feeling-poprawia mi samopoczucie ?)In addition I instead of taking the lift and I always climbs the stairs. I think that my lifestyle is healthy and may increase the risk of heart disease in later life.
wiem że robie mase błędów ale może ktoś mi to pomoże poprawic ...:(
Are youR diet and lifestyle healthy? In what way?

Yes 'i' (dlaczego 'I' jest mala litera-popraw!) think that my diet is healthy. 'On' FOR 'the' (niepotr) breakfast 'usually I' (zla kol slow) eat products WHICH contain vitamins and protein. This is necessary 'beacuse' (a co to niby za slowo jest? Dlaczego wymyslasz slowa ktore nie istnieja w jez. ang- popraw) breakfast is the most important meal 'during' OF the day. For example these are fat-free youghurts and juice. Second I think that dinner should 'to' (po co to to' tutaj?) provide a lot of protein and fibre so then I eat fish or meat and rice. Next 'on the' FOR supper 'i' (duza litera) like TO eat 'salat' (ortog) and cornflakes. What is more 'i' (popraw) don't 'to' (po co to 'to' tutaj?) smoke and never eat 'a' (niepotr) sweetS.
'This' (this odnosi sie do l. poj, ale exercises to l. mnoga - popraw) exercises (give me a good feeling. In addition 'I' (co to 'I' tutaj robi?) instead of taking the lift 'and' (niepotr) I always 'climbs' (dlaczego dajesz koncowke 3os.l.poj jak mowisz o sobie?) the stairs.
I think that my lifestyle is healthy and may increase the risk of heart disease in later zdanie jest bez sensu - juz Coi o tym pisalam, ale ty jeszcze nie umiesz czytac. Powiedz mi w jaki sposob 'healthy lifestyle' dodaje 'risk of heart disease' napewno kazdy lekarz chcialby to wiedziec.
niestety ale ta końcówka została z góry narzucona ... dziękuje za pomoc ale nie musisz mnie przy tym obrażać
>>>ale nie musisz mnie przy tym obrażać
Nie zauwazylam ani jednego nieodpowiednego slowa ktore napisalam, ani takiego ktore by Ciebie obrazalo.
Jak zadaje pytania dlaczego uzywasz niewlasciwe slowa to nie sa zadne obrazania - to sa bezplatne lekcje dla Ciebie, od kogos kto na tym sie zna.
Jak chcesz miec prywatnego lektora za ktorego tez surowo zaplacisz, to prosze bardzo. Dostajesz cos za darmo i jeszcze Ci sie nie podoba.
Spot on ! I,for example ,have to stump up through the nose for my lessons to a private tutor(limey :). And he is being very "nice" to me .:)
But unfortunately he is a man , not woman and this is where the problem lies :)
>>>But unfortunately he is a man ...
Juz pisalam, ze bardzo chetnie sama dawalabym Ci lekcje...przypuszczam, ze wtedy chetniej i szybciej czegos bys sie nauczyl. :-D
To prawda, jakbys mnie uczyla czuje ze daleko byś my( to znaczy ja) zaszli( mam ma mysli jezyk :) Merix , swear God , I don't have any lascivious thoughts towards Terri( may be a little :)
>>>I don't have any lascivious thoughts towards Terri..
and pray why not???
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa


CAE - sesja wiosna 2009