Czy dobrze napisałam dialog ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A : Hello, It's Cinema's City booking office. ( To kasa biletowa kina Cinema City )
B : I'd like to book tickets for Jamal's concert on next Friday. It will tickets for one guardian and twenty five tickets for seventeen-year-olds. Czy możemy liczyć na zniżkę ?
A : Yes of course, you can book a group ticket. We have an available seats only at stalls in the line A, B and D. Where want you sit ?
B : I want book a line D, please.
A : Ok, so the total price for group ticket remove ( wynosi ) £ 120 and the guardian have a free entrace ticket. Could you give me your's credit card number ?
B : It's 24[tel]
A : All right, and now tell me a expiry date of your card.
B : July 2012
A : Your's address ?
B : Kwiatowa 17 Street in Gdańsk.
A : Thank you ! I will post the tickets tomorrow mornig. Powinny dojść w ten czwartek.
B : Thanks. Do usłyszenia !

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