Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualne poprawienie bledów. Z góry dziekuje.;)

In May my aunt has name day. I with my mother want to visit her in Warsaw. My aunt lives in high-rise building on 10 floor. Second day I made my mother and aunt suprise and I made them breakfast. I get up early and I went to shop. I bought bakery products and meat. When I came back to home I of course went to lift. Suddenly a lift stopped between 8-9 floor. I was thrilled. In panic I pressed all buttons. A lift didn't get moving. I was searching phone, but I left him in the kitchen. I sit down and I was crying. I think, a lift get moving one hour later. When I was on the firt floor and I came from the lift I nuzzled old women. She called me 'on the ground'. Old women was suprised but I didn't talk with she. I ruled go to aunt on the stairs. Today when I can I choose stairs.

Healthy person seldom thinks about food. When we have problems with alimentary system we must go to nutritionist. We think about what is good and bad for our human body. Often adults and children eat fast foods. They are make in microwave and have grease. Everyone like it, but surveys say fast foods aren't healthy. I have another mascs delicious but not healthy meals. This is grill. When we make meals to grill we must put meat to fem. So, what can we eat? Nutritionists recommend light disches, with cellulose, lean meat. We must eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Good idea is consume 5-6 meals every day. We must eat often but in small fems. Bad for our human body is eat in night. When we eat healthy we ought to drink 2 liters every day. Children must eat meals with lime for example milk, yoghurts. They ought to cut down on sugar so chocolate, ice-creams. Everyone must conform diet to own requirement.

Sport is very important in my life. When we practice sport, we get better health, fit and condytion. People often forget about sport. This isn't good because they aren't healthy and sometimes fat. Fast and sitting lifestyle, work, technological progress couse to people don't have time to practice sport. They spend free time at home with friends or in front of TV. People interested sport but only on TV. Of course, not everyone don't like sport. They play football, volleyball, swimming or running. People schould changed their lifestyle because sport to couse to we are healthy, and we long alive. I can boast because I love sport and it matter important role in my life. So, I can say: "I am a sport lover!" I love a lot of dyscypline but my favourite is table tennis. Every day I play tennis with my father and brother. In the school I have P.E but every evening I train in my hause with my mother. We want to lose weight so we are systematic.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie