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Jakiś czas temu znalazłeś/łaś zwierzę. W liście do znajomego z zagranicy napisz:
• jakie to zwierzę i w jakich okolicznościach je znalazłeś/łaś,
• dlaczego zdecydowałeś/łaś się wziąć je do domu i jak zareagowali inni
• jaki miałeś/łaś z nim problem i w jaki sposób go rozwiązałeś/łaś,
• jakie masz obowiązki wynikające z jego posiadania i jak to wpłynęło na Twoje

Dear Thomas,

sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy lately. I want to impart about my new animal which I found in the wood near my house. Two days ago I went with my friends for a walk. Suddenly, a friend of mine noticed a dog binded to the tree. It was evident that it have been there long time because it was very emaciated and distinctly, it was very enjoyed to see us too. It frisked and abused all the time. All but me have an animal already that is why I decided to take along to show it to my parents. I induce them to usurp this dog and contrary to expectation they shaked hands on my resquet. I promised them I will take care of it and this dog will be my best friend. Initially, my sister was jealous of my new animal but I promised her that we would be going for a walk together everyday. I have many obligations related with a new animal in house, moreover, it turned out very good dog and very good friend on which I may count whenever.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon

All the best

Dear Thomas,

Sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been really busy lately. I want to about my new (lepiej "pet") which I found in the woodS near my house. Two days ago, I went with my friends for a walk (kol slow). Suddenly, a friend of mine noticed a dog binded (zla forma) to A tree. It was evident that it have (l.poj) been there
FOR A long time because it was very emaciated and distinctly (nie rozumiem co tu chcesz powiedzic), it was very enjoyed (zle slowo i czas) to see us too. It (frisked and to ma znaczyc?) all the time. EVERYONE but me have (l.poj) an animal (czy "pet") already that is why I decided to take IT along (lepiej "home") to show my parents. I CONVINCED them to usurp???? this dog and contrary to expectationS they shaked (zla forma) hands on my resquet (orto). I promised them I will take care of it and this dog will be my best friend. Initially, my sister was jealous of my new animal (lepiej "pet") but I promised her that we would GO for a walk together everyday. I have many obligations (lepiej responsibilities) related TO HAVING a new animal (pet) in THE house, moreover, it turned out TO BE A very good dog and A very good friend THAT I CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON .
I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon.

All the best
it was very enjoyed - jaki ma być czas?
frisk - no to że merda ogonem :D, a abuse - szczeka :D

"shaked (zla forma) hands on my resquet (orto)" - nie rozumiem jaka ma być forma

no i bardzo dziękuję za sprawdzenie, ucze sie angielskiego od 2 tygodni lol, wiec sporo błędów ;/
"I want to " - i jakie tu ma być słowo? bo nie wiem wlasnie...;/
a z tym przywiązaniem do drzewa to może być attached to?
a to emaciated to wychudzony ponoć :P
it was very enjoyed - jaki ma być czas?
it was very HAPPY to see us

frisk - no to że merda ogonem :D, a abuse - szczeka :D

"shaked (zla forma) hands on my resquet (orto)" - nie rozumiem jaka ma być forma
I shake hands when I meet someone (present)
I will shake hands (future)
I SHOOK hands (past)

merda ogonem: wagging his tail
szczeka: znajdziesz w slowniku

no i bardzo dziękuję za sprawdzenie, ucze sie angielskiego od 2 tygodni lol, wiec sporo błędów ;/
bardzo latwe slowo...
a z tym przywiązaniem do drzewa to może być attached to?
"attached to" albo "tied to"

a to emaciated to wychudzony ponoć
emaciated jest poprawne slowo ale na bardzo wysokim poziomem. Lepiej by bylo "very skinny"

Zrob wszystkie poprawki i daj znowu to sprawdzenia
>>>>>it was very enjoyed - jaki ma być czas? Nijaki, bo slowo 'enjoyed' jest tutaj niepoprawnie. Jaki byl czas....enjoyable..
>it was very HAPPY to see us...zalezy co to 'it' jest, ale generalnie przedmioty nie moga wyrazac, ze sa 'happy'...
Dear Thomas,

Sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been really busy lately. I want to tell you about my new pet which I found in the woods near my house. Two days ago, I went for a walk with my friends. Suddenly, a friend of mine noticed a dog attaching to a tree. It was evident that it has been there for long time because it was very skinny, it was happy to see us too. It was wag his tail and was barked all the time. Everyone but me has a pet already that is why I decided to take it along home to show my parents. I convinced them to usurp this dog and contrary to expectations they shook hands on my request. I promised them I will take care of it and this dog will be my best friend. Initially, my sister was jealous of my new pet but I promised her that we would go for a walk together everyday. I have many responsabilities to having a new animal in the house, moreover, it turned out to be a very good dog and a very good friend that I can always count on.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon.

All the best
>Suddenly, a
>friend of mine noticed a dog attaching to a tree.

Ja bym zamienił na "tethered to a tree"

It was evident that
>it has been there for long time because it was very skinny, it was
>happy to see us too.

Zły czas + brak przedimka + brak przecinka + comma splice.

It was evident that it HAD been there for A long time, beacause it was very skinny; it was happy to see us too.

>It was wag his tail and was barked all the time.
>Everyone but me has a pet already that is why I decided to take it
>along home to show my parents.

zła forma czasowników to wag i to bark + następstwo czasów+

It was wagging its tail and barking all the time. Everyone but me had a pet already, which is why I decided to take it home and show it to my parents.

I convinced them to usurp this dog and
>contrary to expectations they shook hands on my request.

I convinced them to let me keep the dog and despite my scepticisim they agreed.

I promised
>them I will take care of it and this dog will be my best friend.

I promised them I'd take care of the dog and that it'd be my best friend.

>Initially, my sister was jealous of my new pet but I promised her that
>we would go for a walk together everyday.

Initially, my sister was jealous of my new pet, but I promised her that I'd let her walk it everyday. (nie wiem czy to miałes/as na mysli)

I have many responsabilities
>to having a new animal in the house, moreover, it turned out to be a
>very good dog and a very good friend that I can always count on.
> I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon.

Now that I have a dog to take care of, I have many responsibilities; however, the dof turned out to be a very good friend that I can always count on.

> I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon.
>Initially, my sister was jealous of my new pet, but I promised her
>that I'd let her walk it everyday.

To be precise, 'everyday' is an adjective whereas 'every day' is the adverb of frequency you're thinking of.

btw. Bednar, do you happen to have CPE past papers 1, 2 (the books), 5 (both the book and recordings) on your hard drive?
>btw. Bednar, do you happen to have CPE past papers 1, 2 (the books), 5
>(both the book and recordings) on your hard drive?

I have both paper and electronic versions of CPE past papers 1-5. I use the electronic versions to do the listening exercises, because I'm too lazy to swap cds around :D

Want me to email you those you need?

You meant, didn't you?

>When do you plan to sit the CPE exam?

No idea. But before I do sign up, I want to enrol on a writing and speaking course. The other three parts of the exam are being taken care of as we speak. I'd say next summer, but I don't want to sit the exam unless I'm confident it's an A :) - my personal goal.

I'll send everything you asked for, but I'll need at least two days. You will have to be patient with me; my upload speed is laughable ;-)

Check your mailbox in a couple of hours.
>You meant, didn't you?
I sure did.

Wish you the best of luck with your admirable approach.

>Check your mailbox in a couple of hours.
Already got the first part, thanks. Waiting patiently for more :-)
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