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My memory of holiday.
From Monday to Friday I had different plans. I was sleeping very much time and I was getting up about 9 o'clock. Next I was listening the radio and I was doing toilet in the mornings. I remember that one day I missed on the bus. However I didn't be worried because I had very much time and I went to my home.
I enrolled at a club, where we were doing physical exercise and we were trying lose weight in order to feel like better. When was darkness I was coming back to home. Then the city was stunning!
I was listening the music and reading books about teenagers and them problems too. I was learning history and maths because is very hardly at the school and we have some dutys. We don't have time for itself. Often I was meeting with friends and my family on the party in the our city. We were meeting new people, which were very likeable.
I had meet my grandmother, who I don't like her. She is very scared and inquisitive. Her advices are ridiculous for me. My grandfather is better than her but I don't love his. My family is strange.
I was doing shopping and I was buying notes, pens, pencils and books to school because it will be necessary at the future.
However some events didn't be good for me. For example when some men was talking with me and I didn't understand his because he was drunk. I hate it because people are talking different nonsense, which are irritate and false.
I was going to bed late and I was watching TV very long. The movies were interresting or scared and boring. Then I wasn't watching TV but I was seeing stars on the sky, which was dark.
I don't like when my mother make me do off light. Then I don't want quarrel with her because I have a headache and I feel like bad.
We have small flat so I go on the walking often. I was setting in the park and I was thinking about everything and nothing.
In the night I was dreaming about my life. I feel regret that the holiday is finishing because I don't like school and I don't want learn in the nights, when I have a headache. However I know that the holiday will finish and I will must go to school in order to I can go to a higher school. I woluld like to study of a foreign language and I would like to be teacher at the school at the future.
może jednak? :]
My memory of (tutaj cos brakuje, moze "a")holiday.
I was sleeping 'very much time' (prosze popraw to nie jest po ang. - ) and I was getting up about 9 o'clock. Next I was listening TO the radio and I was 'doing toilet' (co to niby ma znaczyc - toilet ws tym senseie jest prawie starodawne - moze inne slowo) in the mornings.
I remember that one day I missed 'on' (po co to 'on' tutaj? co to dodaje?) the bus. However I 'didn't be' (to nie jest po ang - popraw) worried because I had 'very much' (nie sproboj cos innego) time and I went to my home.
I enrolled at a club, where we were doing physical exercise and we
were trying TO lose weight in order to 'feel like better' (nawet tego nie rozumiem - popraw, po co to 'like'?). When THERE was darkness I was coming back 'to' (niepotr) home.
I was listening TO the music and reading books about teenagers and 'them' (zled slowo - tutaj THEIR) problems too. I was learning history and maths because is 'very hardly' (napisz to po polsku - nie rozumiem tego) at the school and we have 'some dutys' (nie rozumiem tego). We don't have time for 'itself' (zle slowo - ale nawet nie wiem co chcesz przekazac).
Often I was meeting with friends and my family 'on' FOR (prosze nie robic polskich kalek) the party in 'the' (po co to 'the' tutaj?) niepopraw) our city. We were meeting new people, 'which' WHO were very likeable.
I had 'meet' (zly czas - tutaj potrzeba czas przszly) my grandmother, 'who I don't like her' (to jest czlkowicie przekrecone - prosze napisac to po ang.). She is very scared (ale sc ared of what?) and inquisitive. Her 'advices' (to jest niepol) 'are' IS ridiculous for me. My grandfather is
better than her but I don't love his. (ale love his what? )prosze poprawic te zdania - one nie sa po ang!!)
I was doing shopping and I was buying notes, pens, pencils and books
'to' FOR school because 'it' THEY (bo przeciez kupiles wiecej jak jedna rzecz) will be necessary 'at' FOR the future.
However some events didn't 'be good for me' (tego nie rozumiem). For example when some men 'was' (ale przeciez 'men' to l. mnoga, dlaczego uzywasz czas. l. poj? czy nie rozrozniasz l. poj od mnogiej?) talking with me and I didn't understand 'his' (ale men to l. mnoga tutaj slowo powinno odnosic sie do l. mno.) because 'he' (he to l. poj a 'men' jak wyzej to l. mn) 'was' (popraw - bo juz sie denerwuje) drunk.
I hate it because people are talking 'different' (co to slowo tutaj robi? ) nonsense, which 'are' IS (bo nonsense to l. poj) irritate and false.
I was going to bed late and I was watching 'TV very long' (popraw).
Then I wasn't watching TV but I was seeing stars 'on' IN the sky, 'which was dark' (ale co bylo dark? stars? - zdanie wymage poprawienia).
I don't like IT when my mother 'make me do off light' (tego nie rozumiem). Then I don't want TO quarrel with her because I have a headache and I 'feel like bad' (chyba zakochales sie w slowie 'like' ale przestan jego uzywac, bo nie wiesz gdzie dokladnie ono idzie)
We have A small flat so I go 'on the' (niepotr) walking often. I 'was setting' (prosze przestyan uzywac continuous bo to mnie zaczyna wsciekac - a jak jestem zdenerwowana, to jest naprawde niedobrze) in the park and I was thinking about everything and nothing.
I feel regret that the holiday is finishing because I don't like school and I don't want TOlearn 'in' DURING THE 'nights' NIGHT, when I have a headache. However I know that The holiday will finish and I 'will must' (gdzie ty sie nauczyles ze mozemy uzywac 2 modale obok siebie !!! )go to school in order THAT I can go to a higher school. I 'woluld' WOULD like to study 'of' (niepotr) a foreign language and I would like to be teacher at the school at the future.
because is 'very hardly' (napisz to po polsku - nie rozumiem
tego) at the school - ponieważ w szkole jest ciężko - because in the school is very hardly ?

we have 'some dutys' (nie rozumiem tego). - mamy dużo obowiązków, nie wiem jak napisac inaczej ?

We don't have time for 'itself' (zle slowo - ale nawet nie wiem co chcesz
przekazac). - nie mieliśmy czasu dla siebie - from itself?

Her 'advices' - jej rady?

However some events didn't 'be good for me' (tego nie rozumiem). - jakkolwiek dużo wydarzeń nie było dla mnie przyjemnych

when my mother 'make me do off light' (tego nie
>rozumiem). - kiedy matka każe mi wyłączyć światło - makes me light off?

The holiday will finish and I 'will must' go to school - to jak napisac w cz. przyszlym,Ja bede musiał, nie znam wszystkich czasow?

prosze przestyan uzywac continuous bo to mnie zaczyna
wsciekac - a jak jestem zdenerwowana, to jest naprawde niedobrze) -WOW!)
jest ciężko to raczej poprostu is hard

Liczba mnoga od duty to duties

We don't have the time for ourselves (Nie mamy czasu dla siebie)
We didn't have the time for ourselves (Nie mieliśmy czasu dla siebie)

A z tymi przyszłymi to po prostu pierwszy tryb warunkowy, co?
When the holiday finish, I'll have to go to the school, bo will jest także czasownikiem modalnym tak samo jak must i must przybiera w future simple formę "will have to"

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem:)
We didn't have any time for ourselves.- chyba w ten sposob

Advice nie występuje w takiej formie w l. mn- advice- rada, rady

However many of events were not pleasant for me.

I will 'have to' go to school

We have many duties

Because we have got very hard time at school.

... whem my mother makes me to turn off the light.

Sorry, troszkę nie ta kolejnosc. Proszę mnie poprawic w razie czego.
dzięki wielkie)
we're having a very hard time at school

... whem my mother makes me turn off the light. (bez 'to')
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