krótkie wypracowanie do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Last summer I spent In Home. I usually rode on rollerblade with my friends or I played on the computer ( I passed “Mass Effect” and “Anno 1404”). I often partied with my best friends. on 30th of August I rode to Radom on Air Show 2009 with my dad and girlfriend. We saw a lot of planes. There was about 150 airplanes from 16th country (Poland, Great Britain, Finland, France, Belorussia, Czech, Holland, Greece, Belgium, U.S.A., Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain and Serbia). The Air Show started at 10 o'clock but the air port was opened at 8 o'clock and we can saw the air planes on static exhibition, and we can talked with jet pilot and servicing personnel. At 10 o'clock Polish Air Force flew over the public and the Air Show was started. The first acrobatic team was “Red Arrows” from Great Britain. “Red Arrows” fly on Hawk, there is the best team in the world. Next flew “Midnight Hawks” from Finland. At 13 o'clock Su-27UB from Belorussia started their show but after two maybe five minutes the air plane crash, Two pilot (Alaksandar Marficki and Alaksandar Żuraulewicz) died. There was third crash Su-27 on air show (in Lvov and in Moscow) The Air Show finished and we rode to home. Next day I went to school.
Należy zastanowić się nad przyimkiem przed "home", liczebnikiem oznaczającym liczbę krajów, pisownią "air port", formą przeszłą od can i liczbą mnogą od "pilot".
faktycznie a co do can to zmienic je na could??
"we could talked with jet pilot and servicing personnel"
Mogą być dwa czasowniki w czasie Past Simple obok siebie?
we could talk
dzięki ;)
Last summer I spent 'In' AT Home. I usually rode on rollerbladeS with my
friends or I played on the computer
On THE 30th of August I rode to Radom 'on' TO THE Air Show 2009 with my dad and 'girlfriend' (nie jasno czy to byla twoja czy taty).
There 'was' WERE -dlatego, ze airplanes to l. mn) about 150 airplanes from '16th' (nie tutaj 16) 'country' COUNTRIES (l. mn-bo ich wymieniasz)
The Air Show started at 10 o'clock but the airport was opened at 8 o'clock and we 'can saw' COULD SEE the airplanes on A static exhibition, and we 'can talked' COULD TALK with jet pilot and servicing personnel.
At 10 o'clock THE Polish Air Force flew over the public and the Air Show
'was' (niepotr) started. The first acrobatic team 'was' WERE THE “Red Arrows" from Great Britain. “Red Arrows" fly 'on'(chyba niepotrz) HawkS, 'there is' THEY ARE the best team in the world.
At '13 o'clock' (niema takiej godziny, jest 1.p.m) THE Su7UB from Belorussia started their show, but after two maybe five minutes the air plane crashED. Two pilotS (Alaksandar Marficki and Alaksandar Żuraulewicz) died. 'There' THIS was THE third 'crash Su-27' (zla kol slow Se-27 crash) 'on' AT THE air show (PREVIOUSLY in Lvov and in Moscow) The Air Show finished and we 'rode' DROVE 'to' (niepotr) home.
>Next day I went to school.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.