Witam Serdecznie
Jestem poczatkujacy w jezyku angielskim. Probuje sam ukladac zdania. Najbardziej interesuja mnie komputery wiec ulozylem teks o moim komputerze. Moglby ktos mi go sprawdzic i ewentualnie napisac jakie robie bledy i nad czym musze popracowac. Dzieki z gory:)
My Computer
My computer is not good or not bad. It' mean. New casing "VIPER" raise quality computer. Illuminated clock and LEDs
everything looks great at the night. All parts become purshed six month ago.
Parametry of computer:
Graphics card with my favorite and one of the best companies in the world GeForce.
- This is the MSI GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB.
- Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E7400 2.8 GHz
- RAM OCZ 2x2GB DDR II 1066 MHz
- Motherboards P5Q
- Hard Drive SAMSUNG HD322HJ 320 GB
- Recorder DVD LG
- Power Supply ATX Carbon 550W
Other parts making up the computer:
- Monitor SAMSUNG SyncMaster 931bf
- Keyboard Microsoft Natural PS/2
and standard mouse
The software that I have it's Windows XP version 2002 with Service Pack 3.
This computer served me the whole time to have fun. Now, will serve me to study Computer Science.
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