Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie zdań z przedimkami, bo mam z nimi dosyć duży kłopot. Polecenie brzmiało: Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
W nawiasie podałam moje propozycje. "-" oznacza, że nie wstawiłam nic.
1. (the) jazz music isn't my favourite.
2. (the) game he bought costs £20.
3. Let's meet at (the) cafe near (the) river.
4. (-) actors do not always become famous.
5. (a) computer can only do what you program it to do.
6. (-) John Wayne was (an) popular actor in (the) 1950s.
7. (-) Chinese are hardworking people.
8. (the) Queen will open (a) ceremony.
9. Situated in (-) Eastern Asia and bondering (the) South China Sea and (-) China, Honk Kong is (a) charming Chinese city with (-) western elements.