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After the end of the school year, I came to home and my mother said that she has a gift for me for very good results in science. This surprise was trip with my mother, sister and brother for the weekend to London. We were supposed to go on the concert my favourite group the Jonas Brothers. I did not know what to say. I know that it was a dream, because it was too good that to be true. After it turned out that I did not dream! I really going to London and see THE JONAS BROTHERS live performance! ! ! ! I was really shocked. I packed my bag immediately, although the travel was in one and half month. I waited with longing for the day when I’ll see my Idols. Every day I unpacked the packed already bag and I laid all clothes and things once again. I though that these things were necessary in the travel of my dreams...
Finally this day has came. 21st July was a special day. Then everything was supposed to begin. I woke up early morning. I had to checked everything one more time. The time passed very slowly, I was calm but when I look at the clock and noticed that I had to go I was truly excited…
We left by car to Gdańsk. Later we had to move to the plane which flew straight to London. I stood still on the vast airfield, andin front of me stood a large aeroplane with huge, red inscription ‘London’. I, my sister, my brother and my mum got in to the machine, where the nice hostess waited for us...
It was my first flight by plane, so I was terrified. Everything was more scary because of a news which I have heard about breakdowns of aeroengines and about accidents caused by poor weather conditions. From loudspeakers above our seats I’ve heard nice voice of hostesses asking us for fasten a seat belts . Suddenly everything started shaking and the plane bounced from asphalt which covered the entire airfield. Later I felt, how feeling fear is passing by. I calm down and sat down in the comfortable armchair. Over and over again I asked my mum only one question 'how it is possible?'...
Woke me a voice, that I heard several times. The hostesses told me that we were landing in London soon and she asked us to preparing to leave. Later appeared familiar for me shaking, what it marked, that we were landing. Then I started laugh again, because I didn’t believe in it what happened. After leaving a plane I looked around. It was the LONDON!! …
We took a taxi and went to the hotel, where we slept. In the evening everyone went to visit the city. After return we went a slept again, because it was early, but next day it was…
…The CONCERT! Finally I waited the day when everything becoming real! We went several hours before the concert for earlier reserved tickets. Then everyone together visited nearby shops.
I was in the spectacular room very quickly.A few minutes later our stars were appeared! I could not take controlled above my emotions. I screamed so loud that I had a sore throat on the next few days. It was the best day of my life. Everything happened so fast. I was very excited and a lot of events I don’t remember. But I’m sure about one thing: It was the day when a dream come true.
In this way after extremely excited weekend I had to come back to Poland.
In Sunday already I was in my house.
After the end of the school year, I came 'to home' (dlaczego caly czas to widze 'to home' gdzie tylko 'home' powinno byc. Co was te nauczyciele ucza? Prosze im zwrocic uwage.) and my mother said that she has a gift for me for MY very good results in science. This surprise was A trip with my mother, sister and brother for 'the' A weekend to London. We were supposed to go 'on' (kalka z polskiego na, tutaj akurat jest to zle, i powinno byc TO the concert OF my favourite group the Jonas Brothers.
I know that it was a dream, because it was too good 'that' (niepotr) to be true. After it turned out that I 'did' WAS not dreamING! I WAS really going to London 'and' TO see THE JONAS BROTHERS IN A live performance!
I packed my bag immediately, although the travel was in one and A half monthS TIME. I waited with longing for the day when 'I'll' (tutaj I WOULD see my Idols. Every day I unpacked the 'packed already bag' (zla kol slow...the already...) and I laid all THE clothes and things once again.
Finally 'this' THE day 'has' HAD 'came' COME.
I had to 'checked' CHECK everything one more time. The time passed very slowly, I was calm but when I lookED at the clock and noticed that I had to go I was
truly excited...
I, my sister, my brother and my mum got in 'to' (niepotr) the machine, where the nice hostess waited for us...
Everything was more scary because of a news REPORT which I 'have' HAD heard about THE breakdowns of aeroengines and about accidents caused by poor weather conditions.
From loudspeakers above our seats 'I've' (tutaj niepotr I have - wystarczy I) heard THE nice voice of THE 'hostesses' (jak piszesz 'hostesses-l. mnoga, to popraw voice-tez na l. mnoga)asking us for fasten 'a' (zle slowo - tutaj ma byc OUR seat belts. Suddenly everything started shaking and the plane bounced 'from' (lepsze slowo OFF THE asphalt which covered the entire
airfield. Later I felt, how THE feeling OF fear 'is passing' (chyba PASSES by. I calmED down and sat down in the comfortable armchair. Over and over again I asked my mum only one question 'how 'it is' IS IT - to ma byc pytanie, przypomnij sobie op pytaniach) possible?'...
'Woke me a voice' (zla kol slow - A voice...), 'that' WHICH I HAD heard several times. The 'hostesses' (tutaj chyba myslisz tylko o jednej - wtedy HOSTESS told me that we were landing in London soon and she asked us to 'preparing' PREPARE to leave. Later appeared THE ALREADY familiar 'for' 'TO me' (mysle, ze niepotr) shaking, 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co' tutaj akurat WHICH 'it' (niepotr) marked, that we were landing. Then I started TO laugh again, because I didn't believe in 'it what happened' (cos tu nie tak - popraw). After leaving 'a' THE (bo mowisz o konkretnym tym jedynym a nie o byle jakim) plane I looked around. It was 'the' (nieptr) LONDON!! ...
After THE return we went aND slept again, because it was early, but THE next day it was...
...The CONCERT! Finally 'I waited the' (zorb to inacze...finally, the long awaited for) day when everything STARTED becoming real!
Then everyone 'together' (mysle, ze niepotr) visited THE nearby shops.
A few minutes later our stars 'were' HAD appeared! I could not take 'controlled' CONTROL 'above' OF my emotions.
I screamed so loud that I had a sore throat 'on' FOR the next few days.
But I'm sure about one thing: It was the day when a dream 'come' CAME-czas przeszly) true.
'In' (kalka z polskiego 'w'-) ON Sunday 'already I was' (zla kol slow - I was already) in my house.


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