Rozprawka - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Serdecznie proszę o sprawdzenie mojej rozprawki z angielskiego. Z góry dziękuję. :)


Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz zalety i wady medycyny alternatywnej.

Wypowiedź winna spełniać wszystkie wymogi charakterystyczne dla formy określonej w poleceniu i jej długość powinna wynosić 2[tel]słów.


Nations in the whole world use diffrent method to heal various diseases. Some people believe that conventional medicine is not effective and they would rather use alternative medicine. It has some advantages and disadvantages.

I’d like to start by alternative medicine is helathier than conventional medicine because it is based on natural and friendly for environment methods of treatment. For example, acupuncture, aromatherapy or taking herbal mixtures is not as threatening for our organisms as taking full of chemicals pills or complicated operation.

What’s more, instead of risky treatment or toxic tablets therapists use different kinds of herbals or psychological tricks. It has influence on our minds and we feel mentally better. In addition, sometimes an alternative therapy is the only chance for recovering people who suffer incurable diseases.

But there are also some disadvantages of alternative medicine. The price that you have to pay for even one short session of alternative therapy is often ridiculous. Not everyone can afford being treated in those untypical ways.

Moreover, some people maintain that this kind of treatment is not effective. They assert that herbals or massaging never cure as efficiently as operation or traditional medicines.

Furthermore, significant issue is our safety. Every organism works differently so people can never know how alternative therapy will affect their health.

In conclusion alternative medicine has many advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, we should search new methods of treatment and use them in apropriate situations, but in spite of all we must be cautious.
Nations in the whole world use diffrent 'method' (tutaj potrzebna jest l. mnoga, bo napewno wiecej jak jedna) to heal various diseases. Some people believe that conventional medicine is not effective and they would rather use AN alternative medicine. 'It' (nie za bardzo rozumiem do czergo to 'it' sie odnosi) has some advantages and disadvantages.
'I'd' (prosze w calosci) like to start by (ale tu brakuje slowa - stating/claiming cos w tym rodzaju) alternative medicine is 'helathier' (ortog) than conventional medicine (wg mnie gdzies trzeba napisac co to 'conventional medicine' a do 'alternative medicine') because it is based on natural and 'friendly for environment' (nie, tak nie piszemy - nie wierze, ze nigdzie nie widzialas 'environmentally-friendly') methods of treatment. For example, acupuncture, aromatherapy or taking herbal mixtures is not as threatening for our organisms as taking 'full of chemicals pills' (zla kol slow..pills....chemicals) or' complicated operation' (nie wiem z czym to sie laczy - operacja to nie medicine).
'It' (nie, pisz 'it' gdzie ewidentnie masz na mysli ' this) has influence on our minds (w jaki sposob?) and we feel mentally 'better' (moze healthier?). In addition, sometimes an alternative therapy is the only chance for 'recovering
people who suffer incurable diseases' (tego cos nie lubie)
The price that you have to pay for even one short session of alternative
therapy is often 'ridiculous' (moze inne slowo). Not everyone can afford 'being' TO BE treated in those untypical ways.
Furthermore, (the most) significant issue is our safety.

In my opinion, we should search new methods of treatment and use them in 'apropriate' (ortog) situations, but in spite of all we must be cautious.
*>Nations in the whole world use diffrent 'method'
sorry, nie zauwazylam.
Nations OF the whole world use diFFERENT...
Dziękuję Ci serdecznie za pomoc. Pozdrawiam. :)


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